drugs and fucking money. - chansung

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You've known Bang Chan for quite some time, but you both hate each other, making it hard to communicate or be in the same room.

Bang Chan's mom decided to go on vacation to Japan, and she insisted on taking you with them, although you didn't want to go.

You stayed in a luxury hotel since Bang Chan's parents are rich, and it was quite nice knowing your hotel room would be fancy.

As you finally found your room, you saw Bang Chan approaching. You both looked at each other with puzzled looks, and when you both realized, he groaned annoyingly.

"We have the same room, damn," his lips uttered those words as he rolled his eyes. He unlocked the door and went inside, with you following.

The room had one large bed and a couch with a kitchen and bathroom, all very fancy. Bang Chan put his bags on the bed."

You're sleeping on the couch," he said, looking at you, then started unpacking his things to take a shower.

narrator pov!!!!

han groans

After his shower, Bang Chan came out in just a towel wrapped around his hips, his toned muscles glistening from the water droplets. His wet hair clung to his forehead, giving him an even more attractive look than usual.
"Do you mind if I use your phone?" He asked, not realizing how revealing he was being.

Han handed over his phone
"whatever , be quick."

Taking Han's phone, Bang Chan quickly checked his social media accounts and sent a few messages before handing it back.

"Thanks," he muttered, walking past Han towards the bed. "I'm going to sleep now."

Without waiting for a response, he climbed onto the bed and pulled the covers up to his bare chest. His broad shoulders and strong arms peeked out from the sheets, showcasing his masculine physique.

"You're gonna catch a cold if you don't dry yourself and sleep in a soaking wet bed."
Han nagged , but he knew he was just saying it so chan doesn't catch a cold.

Rolling his eyes, Bang Chan sighed heavily.

"I'll be fine, thanks for your concern though." He mumbled, turning away from Han. Despite his dismissive tone, there was a hint of appreciation in his voice.

However, after a moment of thought, he got off the bed and walked towards the bathroom again. He dried himself with a clean towel before crawling back into bed, this time fully clothed.

"Happy now?" His voice carried a teasing tone as he settled down once more.

Han sat on the couch , doing whatever types of drugs there are , completely unbothered by bang chan's presence.

Watching Han sit on the couch, Bang Chan couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. The sight of him so relaxed and carefree was something he rarely saw.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked, curiosity piqued. Despite their differences, he couldn't deny a certain fascination with Han.

He sat up on the bed, his back resting against the headboard as he watched Han closely.

Han mumbles as he mixes the weed with some tabacco and rolling it into a cannabis cigarette.

Bang Chan raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked, trying to keep his voice casual. He wasn't much of a smoker, but the idea of sharing this moment with Han was too tempting to resist.

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