Its only 6 years -chansung

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                                                              𝟷𝟷:𝟺𝟹 , monday 𝟷𝟻𝚝𝚑 September 𝟸𝟶𝟸4

                                                                              𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 𝚔𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚊 , 𝚜𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚕


You are a college student and BangChan is your professor, he is married and has 1 child with the college dean.

All the women practically fall head over heels for him and the students have great respect for him, after all he was married to the most beautiful dean of the college and even had a 2-year-old son months with her.

You had a crush on him but you knew it was wrong after all you are 20 years old and he is almost 27, plus he is married to someone and seems to love his wife very much..

You're practically a little boy next to the dean who had a woman's body and a super mature appearance, unlike you who looked more like a teenager than an adult and that made you feel uncomfortable.

But no one knew that, in fact, Christopher had a secret passion for you, after all, his wife was unfaithful and was with several boys , he didn't even know if the son was really his and he started to like you because of your innocent and angelic appearance, but no one could know that.


But.. Christopher well known as Chan is friends with Han.

who was the one that laid beside Han when he attempted to commit suicide?

Not any of the adults except for his dear Chan.

Chan , the one that confessed his love for Han?

Chan , the one that got a girlfriend and ended up marrying her?

Chan , the one that cried by himself because he missed Han so much?

Chan , the one that tried killing Felix?

Chan , the one that was supposed to comfort Han when he and Felix broke up?

In 3 years..this all happened. 

Seungmin and Han broke up because Seungmin lost feelings and Han was in a coma for 1 month due to another attempt.



As you sit there quietly in your blue pyjamas, I can't help but notice how adorably petite and delicate you look. 

Your skin looks smooth and flawless, and your hair falls gently around your face, framing it like a halo. Your eyes sparkle with intelligence and curiosity, and they seem to draw me in like a moth to a flame. 

Despite being dressed in loose-fitting clothes that conceal some of your muscular build, I can tell that there's something intriguingly masculine about you.

I try to focus on teaching the class, but find myself distracted by thoughts of how incredibly sexy you look right now. As the lecture progresses, I notice that you take meticulous notes and ask thoughtful questions during breaks.

During the lecture, I explain various concepts related to the course material and field of study. I make sure to engage the class in discussions and encourage everyone to participate actively. 

As I walk around the room, I occasionally glance at you, admiring your attentiveness and diligence. It's clear that you're genuinely interested in what I'm saying, which makes me feel both proud as a teacher and aroused as a man.

At one point, I stop by your desk to check on your progress and see that you've taken detailed notes throughout the entire class. Your handwriting is neat and precise, and your attention never wavers from my face or voice.

When the bell rings, signalling the end of class, I gather my things and approach your desk. As I stand beside you, I lean down to whisper in your ear, making sure no one else can hear us.

"That was a good class today," I say, "I appreciate everyone's participation."

My breath brushes against your earlobe as I speak, sending a shiver down your spine. When I step back, I give you a warm smile and wait for you to finish packing up before we leave together with the rest of the class.

I turn to face you once you've finished packing up, and put my arm around your shoulder in a friendly way. With our height difference, this puts my face at just the right level to kiss or bite your neck gently without anyone noticing.

As we exit the classroom alongside the other students, I lead you towards the nearest available water fountain. Once we're out of earshot from the others, I pull you closer and whisper into your ear again, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Your response doesn't matter – either way I plan on taking matters into my own hands soon enough.

You say quietly.




btw chan is 26 and han is 20

minho is 24 and seungmin is 21

even though this book is abt chansung

there will be a lot of minsung and a bit of other ships!!!

btw pay attention to the date :3!

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