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After a Few Days,

The principal asked all the students to gather in the assembly hall at sharp 10 am. Everyone reached there on time but as usual Mr. Vedant and his best friend are late. Aashna was waiting for rudra in the corridor but as he was late she went to the hall with her friends.

The assembly was about to start when Rudra and Vedant arrived.
Rudra was looking for Aashna in the hall and as soon as his eyes settled on  her he went towards her.

Rudra - Heyy Baby!!

Aashna - Ohh so finally you are here and for your information you are 20 minutes late.

Rudra - Baby calm down the principal has not started yet so technically I'm not late. (Rudra winked at her)

Aashna glared at him and looked forward towards the principal as he started announcing.

Principal - Good morning everyone. So I gathered you all here to let you know that our college is organising a fest for all the students and you all have to participate in it. It will take place on 20 March so all of you start your preparations.

(After announcing this he left from there)

All the students began to discuss about the fest and then three of them went towards corridor when Rudra got a call from someone he excused himself and went to attend his phone. Aashna and Vedant were standing awkwardly waiting for rudra to come.

Aashna - (in her thoughts) Should I ask himself to participate in dance?
Will he agree? What if he doesn't show interest in my talk and ignore me??
Aashna come on , show some courage!

Aashna - Hey Vedant, Can I ask you something??

Vedant was shocked hearing aashna coz it was the first time aashna was talking sweetly to him

Vedant - (Shocked) Yes sure!!

Aashna - Do you have any interest in dance as in the event there will be a dance event too So I thought you should also join us..

Vedant - I'm not that much interested but if Rudra will take part in it then I'm also ready (Just best friend things).

Aashna - I'll convince him don't worry..

They both were talking when Rudra arrived he was all in shock seeing both of them talking.

Rudra - Aashna please pinch me I can't believe that you guys are talking. Anyways are you guys friends now??
(Rudra asked curiously).

Both Aashna and Vedant looked at each other and said together Not at alllll. Rudra sighed

Vedant - Rudra I'm late so I'm leaving Byeee

Rudra - Ok Byee

All of them went towards their bike Vedant reached his house and rudra also went to his home but after dropping Aashna.

In Vedant's home,

As usual tripti was busy on her phone and his mother was tired so she slept.
Vedant had his lunch and now he is planning something and that is Tripti's Bday.

Vedant - I have to plan something soon her bday is around the corner but without any help it's not possible let me ask rudra he may help me in this

(He called rudra but rudra didn't picked it up)

Vedant - he might be busy I'll again call him in the evening

In the evening Vedant again called Rudra to ask his whereabouts but Rudra was busy in something so he didn't talk much. Vedant asked him about his plans but he didn't tell vedant anything. Vedant thought that he must be planning something for Aashna so he didn't enquired much.
That's all for today if you liked this part please comment nd vote❤️✌️

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