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He was on his way back home when his phone started ringing he thought it was from Rudra but when he checked the screen he was shocked seeing that Aashna was calling him.

He picked up the call within a second and bombarded her with questions

Vedant : Hey Aashna where are you from the last three days and why you didn't come to college are you okay.  Answer me Aashna

Aashna : I'm fine Vedant. I'm not coming to college because I'm not ready to face Rudra. After all that happened I didn't want to see his face. I don't want to show him that I'm weak or I love him. So I decided to be at home.

Vedant : But you should inform me I'm really worried about you

Aashna : I didn't want to bother you. I know you are hurt more than me. So I didn't want to give you more tension. Anyways, leave all that I called you to discuss something very important

Vedant : Hm bolo

Aashna : I want to meet you now at the cafe near our college

Vedant : Now?? Is anything serious

Aashna : Vedant don't question me more just meet me in the cafe exactly after half an hour

Vedant : Okayy

Vedant went to his home and moved towards his room he quickly changed his clothes and was leaving the house when Tripti stopped her

Tripti : Bhaii I know you don't want to talk to me and you are still angry with me I'll not waste your precious time I'm just saying that I broke up with Rudra and I told him not to call or text me coz I got to know that he is dating few other girls and is cheating on me. I really regret my decision of dating him and you are right he is a Play Boy who just like to play with girls .

Saying all this Tripti went inside her room sobbing a little. Vedant was in a shock and he can not think what to say or do. He finally thought that he will talk to Tripti later and wentto the cafe to meet Aashna.

Aashna was already siting there waiting for Vedant. Seeing Vedant coming she smiled a little and asked him to sit. Vedant sat on the chair in front of her and asked her if she need something. They both ordered coffee and then Vedant initiated their conversation.

Vedant : Aashna now tell me why you called me here.

Aashna : I know Vedant, Rudra is like your brother and it's very hard for you to accept the situation and that to your own sister is involved in it.

Vedant : You know Aashna my sister is still a kid she trusts anyone very easily without knowing the person. That's why she is trapped by Rudra. I'm not saying that she is not at fault. She thought that I will scold her if she will tell me and not allow her to date anyone but I'm not like that if she had told me I would have guide her and tell her that she is in a wrong path.

Aashna : Leave all that Vedant tell me if she is fine now I mean they are still dating??

Vedant : No Aashna they are not dating anymore Tripti told me when I was leaving for here. She told me that Rudra is dating many other girls and he is also cheating on her. That's why she broke up with him.

Aashna : Whatt, are you serious Vedant how can he betray everyone and how every girl trusts him so easily.

Vedant : He knows how to attract a girl and how to manipulate someone.

Aashna just hummed and there is a silence between them. The both were thinking about something. When someone banged their table and they were brought out of their thoughts.

It was none other than Rudra. He was drunk his eyes were red and swollen. He has a bottle in his hand. His dress and hairs was disheveled.

Rudra : Hello my dear Aashna and Vedant what are guys doing here.
(He tries to touch Aashna but his hand is jerked by Aashna).

Vedant : It's none of your business Rudra just get lost from here.

Rudra : Stop behaving like that bro
(He tries to hug Rudra but he moved back from his place)

Vedant : Rudra stop behaving like you don't know anything.

Rudra : Ohho guys are you still angry. Okay let's leave that topic tell me what are you guys doing here. I mean you both hate each other right.

Vedant : Rudraa I told you that it's none of your business.

Rudra : Ok let me guess . Are you guys dating tell me why are you quiet.

Vedant was still processing what to say when Aashna replied.

Aashna : Yes we are dating. We are dating from the day you left me. Do you have anymore questions.

Vedant was in shock. He couldn't believe what's Aashna is saying. He was just looking at her in shock.

Rudra : Ohhh Congratulations guyss and Aashna you moved on really fast. Good good take care of my brother
He patted Vedant's shoulder and left from there.

Vedant still cannot say anything. He was thinking what just happened right now. Before thinking more he moved towards Aashna and said.

Vedant : Aashna are you serious. Why did you said that just a few minutes earlier you were saying you love Rudra and now you did this. Whyy

Aashna : Vedant calm down just sit here I'll told you everything.

Vedant sat on his chair Aashna gave him some water and said

Aashna : Vedant I called you here because I want revenge from Rudra I want to see him crying like I cried I want him to realise what he did was wrong he played with everyone heart just for fun and in this your sister is also included. So I want a help from you.

Vedant was listening all this silently.

Vedant : What you want me to do.

Aashna : I want you to be my boyfriend just for social media and our friends. No one except us will know that we are not dating in real. Will you help me Vedant.

Vedant : Aashna are you serious?

Aashna : Yes Vedant just answer me you will help me or not.

Vedant: I can't do this. How can I broke heart of so many girls I mean almost all the girls from our college drool over me how can I hurt them by dating you.

Aashna : Vedant I'm serious right now. Don't irritate me.

Vedant : Okay I'm ready to be you boyfriend.

Aashna : Thank you Thank you so much.

Vedant : It's alright Aashna but what I'll get in return.

Aashna : Umm. That I'll think later

Vedant : No I want to know it know after that I'll be your boyfriend.

Aashna : Ok you will get anything you want but once the task is finished.

Vedant :Anything soch lo. For how many months we have to pretend this.

Aashna : Soch liyaa and we have to pretend this till he regrets

Vedant : Okayy done

He forwarded his hand for a handshake Aashna also forwarded his hands and they did a handshake.

Vedant paid their bill and they went to their respective houses.

That's it for today
Hope you liked it
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