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In Aashna's House,

Aashna was sleeping peacefully in her room as it was her day off from the college.

Her mom : Aashnaa wake up,see it's 11 already.

Aashna : Mom please 10 minutes more.

Her mom : You are saying this since half an hour now wake up fast.

Her mom opened the window of her room and the rays of the sun hit her face.

Aashna : Mommm close it please.

Her mom : I'm waiting for you downstairs come within 10 minutes.

She wake up did her morning business and went downstairs for her breakfast.

At dining table,

Her dad : How's your college going beta.

Aashna : It's going pretty well dad.

Her dad hummed and continued eating breakfast.

Her mom : How's Vedant Beta.

Aashna choked on her food her father rubbed her back

Aashna : Why are you asking about him suddenly.

Her mom : You didn't talk about him from few days so I asked.

Her dad : Who's Vedant .

Her Mom : Her Boyfriend.

Aashna's eyes widened hearing her mother saying this.

Aashna : No Dad he is not my boyfriend he is just my friend.

Her mom : But he is a nice guy I think you should date him.

Her dad chuckled hearing their talk and decided to leave them alone. He finished his food and left for office. While her mother continued.

Aashna : Mom he is just my friend why are you shipping me with him.

Mom : Because you both look good together and I think you should directly marry him.

Aashna : Mom I'm just 23 I'll not marry someone this soon.

Mom : You are going to be 24 after a month. This is the perfect time for you to get married.

Aashna : Mom I'll get married only after I'm settled and independent.

Mom : Do whatever you want to.

Aashna went to her room and sat on her bed thinking about the conversation with her mother.

In her mind,

Aashna : Do we really look good together??Should I date him??Does he love me??Should I ask him about it??
No no no no it's just a month since we are talking and I think it's just an attraction. He doesn't love me but what if he does?? Should I ask??But what if he also cheats me like Rudra but he is not like him.

She was thinking all of this together when her phone pinged with notification which brought her out of her thoughts.

Hey Goodmorning!!

It's afternoon already.

Ohh right good afternoon.

Good afternoon.


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