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The next day

Everyone was practicing for their dance performances.

Rudra and Aashna were paired for couple dance performance and Vedant was paired with another classmate.

They were practising Vedant was dancing very well but his partner was non dancer while Rudra didn't knew how to perform a single step and Aashna was very upset with him
Their choreographer was trying his best to teach Rudra but he failed to do so

Choreographer - I think you should participate in other activity

After hearing that aashna was uncomfortable with the thought of dancing with another man

Rudra sighed

Aashna - Sir please give him a second chance

The choreographer nodded in negative

Rudra ( cupped her cheeks by his palm )- Don't be upset Aashna you are dancing so well you shouldn't ruin your performance for me

Aashna sighed and nodded.

Choreographer - Aashna here is your new dance partner

Aashna shocked by seeing him.

Rudra was now relieved seeing vedant as her dance partner

Aashna - Sir I won't  dance with him

Rudra - Why Aashna you know na that I can't tolerate seeing you dancing with any other guy and I trust Vedant and you know that he dance so well you should dance with him.

Vedant - But Rudra how....

Rudra - (interrupted him) You guys are dancing together and that's final I'll not listen to anyone of you.

Vedant sighed because just like aashna he was also dreading with the thought of dancing with her

Vedant and Aashna were looking at each other as if they will kill each other.

Choreographer - Guyss let's start practicing otherwise we will not be able to complete it .

Rudra left from their and Aashna and Vedant started practicing.

It's been one week since they are practicing but they are not friends till now and they didn't talk a word with each other.

In Vedant's home,

Vedant was arguing with Tripti on some useless topic when he remembered that Tripti's Bday and their college fest in on the same day and he had a lot of things to prepare.

He called Rudra for his help but as usual he didn't picked up his phone.
Later, he noticed Tripti was talking in call and continuously smiling. He went towards her but she didn't noticed him. Vedant thought that she must be talking with her friend so he didn't interrupted him and continued to focus on his preparations.

After a few hours Rudra called him

Vedant - Hey Rudra finally you got the time to remember that you have a best friend too who waits a whole day for your call.

Rudra - Sorry bro actually I'm busy with some work for the past few days.

Vedant - You are busy with work or with your gf.

Rudra - No I'm really busy in work and I'm not even  getting enough time to talk with Aashna too I know that she must be angry with me.

Vedant - Ohhh really. Anyways I called you to tell that I need your help for planning a bday party for my sister and you know what her bday is on the same day as our fest.

Rudra - (choked) Wha..t rea..lly how will you manage everything now??

Vedant - That's why I called you idiot.
Where are you now I need to talk to you face to face coz I have to plan lot of things.

Rudra - Sorry bro but I can't help you in these you know na that I'm busy in some work on the other hand I am also indulged in some preparations for college fest.

Vedant - How can you say that. You have to help me.

Rudra - I can't please try to understand and I'm really sorry about that.

(Rudra cuts the call)

Vedant - But Rudra.....
Is he really busy or he is trying to avoid me he never said no to me and was always there for me what happened to him suddenly

Tripti - Bhaiyaa... Bhaiyaa

Vedant - Umm yess.

Tripti - What are you thinking.... anything serious??

Vedant - No no nothing.

Tripti - Okayy.

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