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They reached in front of their classroom and Rudra was there.

The whole class was in shock seeing their intertwined hands. Rudra was seeing them in shock he couldn't believe in his eyes. Vedant and Aashna ignored them and went towards their seat with their friends.

Aditi (Aashna's friend) : Aashna are you kidding me you were dating Rudra and now you are with this rude guy and you are even holding his hand

Aashna didn't like the way Aditi spoke about vedant

Aashna : Shut up Aditi. He is my Boyfriend and I'm not dating that bastard anymore nd don't ever call rude to vedant I'll not tolerate it.

Aditi mumured sorry nd was processing her words she can't believe how Aashna changed in one week.

Vedant and Aashna sit down in their seats and aashna was staring at  vedant but his gaze was fixed in the lectures.

Vedant : Stop staring at me aashna Focus on the lecture.

Aashna : I'm staring at my love do you have any problem darling.

Vedant s eyes widened she was looking at her.

Aashna  : Stop behaving like that Rudra is still glaring at us.

He moved his eyes and found that Rudra was looking at them as he will eat them raw.
Vedant smiled a little and then pulled aashna closer by keeping his hands on her shoulder here aashna heart was beating fast sitting so close with him but she tried to act normal. Aashna can feel vedant was also getting uncomfortable  and sat straight holding his hand. He was now relieved and Aashna also sighed as Rudra is now focusing on lectures.

Soon the lecture ended and they were leaving the class when Rudra stopped them in their way. He was glaring Aashna continuously.

Vedant saw that Aashna was getting uncomfortable from his gaze so he moved forward and covered Aashna behind him.

Vedant : What now?

Rudra : I want to talk to her move aside.

Aashna was holding his hand and her grip was getting tighter. Vedant gently rubbed back of her palm with his thumb.

Vedant : She doesn't want to talk to you.

Rudra : Who are you to tell me if she wants to talk or not.

Vedant : I'm her boyfriend and I don't like my girl to talk to anyone else.

Rudra : Vedant stop this dumb act of yours and let me talk to her.

Vedant : Rudra this is not an act. And I'm telling you last time stay away from her.

Rudra : I'll not stay away from her she is mine. You can't take her away from me like that.

Vedant : Rudra stop it just move aside let us go.

Rudra : No no I'll not.

Vedant pushed him and walked towards the parking holding Aashna's wrist. She was crying a little. Vedant made her sit in the car and sat down in his seat. He forwarded her a bottle of water and took her hands in his hands. He gently rubbed back of her hands.

Vedant : Aashna don't cry please. I don't know how to console someone.

Aashna wiped her tears and smiled a little hearing his words.

Vedant : Aashna you can't be weak like this. You are strong even you are stronger than me. You decided to take revenge from his. If you continue crying like this then how will take revenge. Stop crying like a baby Aashna.

Jab Dil MetWhere stories live. Discover now