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After their date Vedant dropped Aashna to her home and then went to his home during the whole ride Vihaan was thinking how Rudra and Tripti will react when they get to  know about their fake relationship whereas Aashna was thinking how much effort she has to put on the act to make it look real.

Vedant reached his home and thought that he should talk to his sister after all she is also suffering from her breakup. He went to her room and found that Tripti was sitting in the corner of his room. Her eyes were still a little red and swollen she is so much in her thoughts that she didn't realise that someone was there in her room. Vedant quickly went towards her and put his hand on her shoulder. She jerked out of her thoughts and hugged him tightly. She was crying very hard while hugging him. He gently rubbed her back to console her.

Tripti : I'm really sorry bhaiyya I'm really sorry please forgive me please. I can't tolerate your hatred more please bhaiyaa

Vedant : Shh shh don't cry baccha don't cry. I also can't live without talking to you I'm really sorry Tripti.
Now don't cry like this mom will come anytime and if she sees you like this then she will question a lot.Tripti  if anyone sees you like this they will be scared

Tripti : Bhaiyaa.. I love you so much.

Vedant : Ha ha I know I know. But I have a question

Tripti : Whatt

Vedant : Do you guys are making out I mean did you...

Tripti : (Throws a pillow in his face) Shut up bhaiyaa. I'll never do all this before my wedding.

Vedant : Ohhhh. Then what were you doing in his lap. Are you a baby that he is trying to make you sleep.

Tripti : (Huffed) Bhaiya he forced me to do all this. I denied him so many times but he didn't listen to me. I was  really happy that you guys reached there.

Vedant : What the F**k and you are telling me all this now. Why didn't you tell me earlier. Anyways Ill not leave him I beat him till death for doing all this to you.

Tripti : Bhaiyaa don't do anything to him please bhaiya

Vedant : But why Tripti. Didn't you want to punish him for what he did to you.

Tripti : Bhaiya please I don't want any more drama in my life

Vedant : Okayyy I'll not do anything. Now go and wash your face I want my little baby sister like before.

Tripti just hummed and went towards the washroom she washed her face and changed her clothes.

Vedant : Now you are looking like a human.

Tripti rolled her eyes and ignored him. Vedant laughed in her antics. Then their mom entered the room and she was happy seeing both her children laughing and fighting like before.

Mom : So your fight is over now

Both sat straight and smiled like a kid.

Mom : Vedant where are you in the evening and why are you not picking up my phone.

Vedant : mom actually I was out with  my friends and I left my phone in the car.

Mom : Ok anyways change your clothes and come for dinner.

Yes mom both said together.

1 week later,

Vedant didn't went to college for 1 week coz wants to spend some time with his sister and family he informed Aashna. She also didn't went college till now after her break up. They didn't interacted much during this days.

Vedant was getting ready for college he was very nervous because Aashna  called her yesterday and she told him the whole plan and according to the plan he had to pick her up from her place and they had to enter the college together.

Vedant was having his breakfast and all of them was having some discussions. Vedant was a bit silent today as he was thinking about the scenario of college.

Tripti : Bhaiya are you okay?
(She whisper asked him)

Vedant didn't responded to her as he was busy in his thoughts. Tripti put her hands on his shoulder and he was brought out of his thoughts in a jerk.

Vedant : What happened Tripti.

Tripti : I should ask you this. I'm talking to you and you are lost in your own world. What are you thinking about?Is everything okay?

Vedant : Mind your own business. I'm just thinking about my exams.

Tripti : Ohh. Aren't you late for your college I mean look at the time it's 9 already.

Vedant looked at his watch and he realised that he is late.

Vedant : Why are you behaving like maa. I already have one.

Suddenly his phone rang and it was from Aashna. Tripti looked at his phone and then at his brother face in shock. Tripti met Aashna in the incident but she didn't know her name se she was thinking who is she.

Mom : Pick up your phone Vedant and check who is calling you.

Vedant immediately cuts the call.

Tripti : Maa it's from Aas...

Vedant cuts her in the middle.

Vedant : Maa it's from Aditya my friend he must be waiting for me I'm already late.

Vedant hugged his mom and after pulling Tripti's hair he left for college.
He messaged Aashna that he is reaching in 10 minutes and starts driving. He stop in front of Aashna. She sat in the seat next to him and passed a dreadful glare to him.

Vedant : Whatt..

Aashna : Why are you late I'm waiting for you from half an hour.

Vedant : I'm not your driver,be thankful to me I'm taking you to college in this beautiful car.

Aashna : Why did you cut my call? Do you know how to call back.

Vedant : You are not a Prime Minister that I should pick up your call everytime and I already informed you that I'm on my way.

Aashna : That's so rude.

Vedant didn't respond to her and continued to focus on driving.while driving aashna stomach grumbled she was embarrassed
Vedant: did you not had your breakfast?
Aashna: no,i woke up late so I skipped breakfast
After hearing her vedant opened the storage compartment nd gave her chocolate that he kept for himself aashna hurriedly snatched it nd started munching seeing that vedant chuckled
They soon reach their college Vedant parked the car in the parking and moved towards the another side. He opened his side of gate and went out but stopped seeing aashna still siting in the car

Vedant : Are you planning to stay inside the car the whole time.
(Asked frustratedly)

Aashna sweetly smiled at him nd said:
I m your girlfriend now you should have atleast basic manners to open the gate for your girl
Vedant: what the hell??
Aashna: chalo chalo do it otherwise we will be late my dear boyfrienddd

Aashna was laughing in her mind coz seeing vedant getting all frustrated was making her laugh.The students in the parking area were shocked to see them together because Vedant never let any girl to sit in his car. Seeing Aashna in his car is not less then a shock. Ignoring everyone they walked towards the corridor.

Aashna was very much nervous and she was continuously playing with her fingers Vedant noticed it. He thought for a minute and then he hold her hand. Aashna first looked at their intertwined hands and then at Vedant.

Vedant : I'm doing according to your plan.

Aashna hummed. Aashna was not feeling any nervousness now his hands and his presence is giving him comfort. They reached in front of their classroom and Rudra was there.


What you guys think do tell us in the comments.

Also, do tell us how Rudra will react seeing them together.

Tell us your views about the story.

That's it for today
Hope you liked it
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