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Tripti's Bday eve,

Everyone in her family was pretending that they don't remember her bday which made tripti upset
She is trying many things to remind them about her bday but everyone was ignoring her. She was upset and sitting on her room when vedant came into her room

Vedant : What happened fatty why  are you upset.

Tripti : bro don't call me that I'm already very much irritated don't irritate me more.

Vedant : (smirking) what happened why are you so  irritated?.

Tripti : That's none of your business.
(Said in an annoyed tone)

Vedant : ok leave all that help me in choosing my outfit for tomorrow

Tripti : (smiling) ohhhhh so you remember what is tomorrow I know you will never forget you are my best bhai

Vedant : Hold on hold on why are you so happy I am talking about my college fest which is happening tomorrow.

Tripti : Whatt you are talking about your fest that means you also forgot.

Vedant : Tripti tell me clearly what I forgot.

Tripti : Nothing bhaiii

Vedant : You are definitely an idiot.

At 12am

Tripti had already slept in anger as she thinks  nobody remembers her bday.

Meanwhile all the family members have gathered together with a cake and some gifts to suprised her they tiptoed to her room but after several attempt Tripti woke up and was beyond shock seeing all of them wishing her she hugged everyone

Tripti: you guys remembered! (with a happily nd shocked face)

Vedant: ofcourse we remember how can we forget such a bad day

Tripti makes a face at him nd his father hit him on his head 

Tripti mom: let's cut the cake

After cutting the cake, opening gifts, saying for the 100th time and then they went to sleep.

On the day of event and Tripti's Bday,

Rudra was busy in preparation of the college fest and he is effortlessly working on something which only he knew.
Aashna and Vedant were practising for their performance.
Either of them didn't met rudra since morning.

In the evening when Vedant and Aashna were getting ready Rudra went to meet them

Rudra: Heyy guyss

Vedant : Ohh see who is here. Where were you since the morning

Aashna : Finally you got time for meeting me.

Rudra : Stop it guyss you know that I'm busy in preparation for the fest

Vedant : We know how much busy are you so stop giving this excuses.

Rudra : Guys I'm here na then why are guys upset just focus on your performances (getting irritated with all the accusations
Then the three of them get engulfed in their conversation when suddenly rudra got a call and within few minutes he left saying that he will be there during their performance. Aashna and vedant both find it wierd but didn't say a word on it
Their fest came to an end  with them winning best dance couple award but still Rudra didn't arrived and nobody had any idea about him. Vedant tried to call him but he didn't picked the call.

Vedant : Aashnaa

Aashna : hmm

Vedant : You know where Rudra is?

Aashna : No and he didn't watched our performance
She felt sad nd hurt

Vedant : Yaa, isn't it strange

Aashna : Yes it is but what we can do

Vedant : (thinking) Just wait here I'm coming.

Aashna : Okayy

Vedant returned within 10 minutes.

Vedant : C'mon aashna let's go.

Aashna : Where??

Vedant : I'm not kidnapping you so just stop questioning.

Aashna : I'm not coming with you without knowing the reason.

Vedant : (Irritatingly) You want to meet Rudra I'm going to meet him.

Aashna : Ohh but where is he and how did you know where he is.

Vedant : Are you coming with me or else I'm going alone.

Aashna : Ok let's go.

She agreed to go with him coz she was really excited to tell rudra about her winning competition

They stopped the car near a small house which was decorated with some lights.

Aashna : Is he here? and what he is doing here?

Vedant : You will get all your answers if we go inside.

They both went inside and started finding him. They went towards the first floor and seeing the view in front of them they both were shocked and looked at each other with same expression

That's it
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