Chapter 13(Celestine+Alex)

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The moment I walk into class all the hair on my neck shoots up, I have a bad feeling. I feel eyes on me but they're subtle, like they're trying not to stare. Mindy gives me a cold glare but there's nothing subtle about it, I ignore everything and go to my desk and take my seat. The moment I do however, I feel something wet on my ass, I get up to see red paint all over my pants and seat, "Geez Tina can't you even take care of yourself during your periods? Or are you trying to let EVRYONE know your not pregnant?" That voice comes out condescending as ever and along with it the whole class starts to laugh. What the fuck? What is this, middle school? I turn to Mindy but before I get any words out I feel something around my waist, I look down to see long and veiny hands tying a jacket to my waist, I turn back to see Aron with an apologetic look in his eyes, what the fuck?
"I'm sorry Celestine." What is he sorry about? His girlfriend humiliating me? This is all so weird but when the bell rings everyone gets up and leaves, including him. I try to catch up and follow him out the door but he just- disappeared.
"Why do you have Walter's jacket around your waist?" The voice was cold again, but there was a hint of something else in the tone, Jealousy? I turn to Alex but I don't say anything, his face seems expectant but I still don't say anything. I walk to him and go on my tip-toes as I grab his face and slam my lips on his. My stomach starts to go crazy again, and Alex instantly holds my waist to help me balance, his fingers start tracing my back and his tounge makes me feel heaven. No, this is the entrance to heaven, heaven was when his tounge worked its magic inside me.
Why am I even kissing him? Because everytime before this that I did, I always got that same feeling. My stomach going crazy, heat pooling in my lower belly and the desire to constantly keep him close. I finally let my lips leave his and take a few breaths to calm myself down, "Mindy tried to prank me by putting red paint on my; seat, Aron gave me his jacket and apologized..... for her I think." Alex processes my words for a moment before he takes his own jacket off and replaces Aron's jacket with it. "I'll give it back to him for you."
"Alex what are we doing?"
"I want this. You. Us. I know I do but I have, no clue why. You do. So tell me, what is this?"
"All in good time rose, once you realise why you want me, I promise you'll know, and if you don't I'll tell you. All you have to do is ask, but after you know what you're feeling." I nod slightly frustrated at the lack of a clear answer, but I guess I get it. Instead of trying to figure out what's going on with him I should first know what's going on with me. Why do I feel like this around him? How long did I actually feel like this before I even realized it? How did I feel like this when this entire time time I thought the person I wanted, was Aron?
"Rose? Earth to rose?" Fuck, was he calling me?
"Yeah sorry, what's up?"
"You staying back in the library to study or you want me to drop you home right after school?"
"I think I'm going to go home actually, I need to get some rest if I'm being honest." Rest as in a long self therapy session. He smiles and nods as he leads me to the car.

I wave one last goodbye before the door closes after which I start my drive to the Walter manor. I don't know what Aron is trying to do, but I'm going to find out. Once I reach I park the car in my usual spot then make my way to the third entrance of the house. I've come here my entire childhood to be honest so if Mr.Walter sees me walking around the house he wouldn't really be offended, surprised maybe considering I haven't come here in months. I used to be best friends with Aron before all that shit happened, it's weird to think I used to come here everyday and now.....nothing. I reach the door to his room and give him three knocks before entering. He looks up from his note book, surprise covers his face for half a second before he looks at the item in my hand and realization dawns instead. "Thanks for returning my jacket Alex, but you could have just given it back to me in school."
"I'd rather not keep it for that long, plus we need to talk." He sighs at my response and points to the door indicating that I should close it, once I do he walks towards the balcony. I chuck his jacket on the bed and follow him. "I'm done with your shit Aron. You need to tell what the fuck is going on. Clearly."
"It's not that simple Alex"
"I don't give a fuck anymore. First tell me what you were doing giving Celestine your jacket"
"Well would you have preferred if I laughed along with the crowd then?"
"I would have preferred if you had stopped Mindy from doing anything at all"
"That's not something I can do."
I sigh at his response, god it's always like a dog chasing its own tail with him. The conversation never goes forward.
"She's yours now, but do you honestly think I didn't want her to be mine?"
I stop to think about what he meant,
"Alex I- she liked me for 3 years, and I her for 2. I just never showed it, so no one ever realized, not even you, no one except Mindy."
"A lot of shit went down Alex. You wouldn't understand."
"Then make me understand Aron, what happened?"
He looked at me with those eyes, the same eyes he had the time he was forced to choose between his father and me, the same eyes he had when we stopped talking to each other, the ones full of conflicted pain. "You should leave." I stay for a moment to give him another chance to say something but he looks away, I sigh and walk away. Once I reach the door he calls out, "oh and Alex,"
I look back to see a firm face,
"occurremus iterum"
I nod in realization as I leave. Okay Aron.

I sigh as I finish painting my last nail, and drawing out my mental mind map. Theres so many missing blanks, I don't get it. I'm about to literally draw it out when a small light flashes in my eye, I look towards its direction but I don't see anything, I get up to investigate, all I see is my desk which has my books and post-its. I thoroughly rummage through all my stuff when I notice some spot on the desk, I try to rub it off but it feels...... it doesn't feel like it's just some spot. I touch it again, then try to get a closer look when the horror hits me. It's a lense, a camera lense, this shit is fucking recording me. What the fuck? I remove it from my desk and inspect it more, I can't really figure out much but I know for sure that this is a fucking camera. In my room. Recording me. How long has this been here? Oh my gosh. This is so fucked up.

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