Tearful Begginings

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#warning: From this chapter onwards,content of violence, bloodshed and condolence may be here.Read at your own risk.

As the news of Shwet and Uttar's demise spread through the kingdom of Virat, a heavy cloud of grief descended upon the camp. Uttara, his beloved sister, wept uncontrollably, her heart shattered by the loss of her dear brother. Virat, the king, and Sudeshna, the queen, were inconsolable, their sorrow palpable in the air.

Subhadra stood near Sudeshna and consoled her "Sudeshna you can consider my son as yours,my husband will avenge your sons's death. I know my words can offer no consolation to you cause when a son dies before his mother,it brings havoc in entire universe just like Devi Parvati,but our family is with you at this hour".

Sudeshna moved by Subhadra's calming words hugged her tightly.

Arjun was distressed by his pupil Uttar's demise who saved him from Kauravas sudden attack during incognito year.

In the midst of their mourning, a sense of anger and despair gripped them all. Virat, his voice quivering with emotion, spoke softly, "My sons, my pride, taken from me in such a cruel manner. How can I bear this pain?" Sudeshna, her eyes filled with tears, reached out to comfort her husband, "We must find solace in each other, my love. Our sons's sacrifice will not be in vain."

Uttara, her grief turning into a fierce determination, wiped away her tears and declared, "I will avenge my brothers's death. I will fight alongside our warriors and ensure that Shakuni pays for his treachery." Virat, his eyes filled with pride and sadness, embraced his daughter, "You have the spirit of a warrior, my dear Uttara. May the gods grant you strength to bear the loss and avenge your brother".

Abhimanyu, Uttara's husband, entered the room and saw the grief-stricken faces of his in-laws. He approached Uttara and gently took her hands in his, "My love, I know your heart is heavy with sorrow, but we must stay strong. We must honour Shwet and Uttar's memory by fighting bravely and seeking justice for his untimely death."

Uttara looked up at Abhimanyu, her eyes filled with gratitude for his unwavering support. She nodded, finding comfort in his words and his presence. Abhimanyu turned to Virat and Sudeshna, "I will stand by Uttara's side and lead our warriors into battle. Together, we will avenge Uttar's death and bring glory to our kingdom."

Virat and Sudeshna nodded in agreement, a flicker of hope igniting in their hearts.

Everyone knew that with Abhimanyu's skill and Uttara's determination, they had a fighting chance against their enemies.

As they prepared for the next day of battle, the palace echoed with the sounds of resolve and determination, a testament to the strength and unity of the royal family of Virat.

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