Dreams and Halloween

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The days following the argument had been rather icy between Vanessa and Draco. Both caught in a stalemate of not wanting to be the first to apologize. It wasn't until a week after their argument, after her first tutoring session with Blaise, that Draco finally approached her again.

She was packing her books back into her bag when he walked up, alone. Thank Merlin, she wouldn't even want to listen to a word had Crabbe and Goyle been flanking behind. Blaise, sensing the tension waved goodbye and quickly left. She didn't bother to look up at Draco, focusing a bit too hard on rolling up some parchment. She noticed from the corner of her eye that he was shifting his weight on his feet before he spoke.

"I admit, I may not consider your feelings when I am talking to others." He started stiffly, his words finally making her look at him. "In our time as friends I've never viewed you less than an equal. I'm sorry I've upset you and I'm sorry I ever made you think I view you any lesser." She straightened up, looking at him fully.

Anytime he apologizes to her he always looks so uncomfortable, as if he never had to apologize for anything before. He probably has gotten away with doing anything he wants for so long that having to take accountability is not something he's used to. Though she will admit, growing up in the home she did, never able to express herself or show emotion;  it's hard for her to handle it all now.  They just both need to get better at communicating.

"I'm sorry I get so upset. It's not your fault. I have insecurities... it's not fair to that I take them out on you. You've been a good friend. I'd hate to ever lose you, especially over something like this." She embraced him tightly and after only a moment he returned the hug. And just like that they were friends again.

In the weeks following things had been back to normal. Classes were a welcome challenge. Tutoring with Blaise is a fun distraction on the weekends, though she has a sneaking suspicion he doesn't need tutoring as badly as he claims. And Draco still insists she watch the Slytherin practices, often times Victoria joining to watch Edward. And best of all, interactions with her brother had been minimal.

The only issue she'd experienced are her dreams. It's always the same. At night her dreams are dark, damp, and sometimes she is frozen solid. Never can she make heads or tails of her dreams but it's always repeating. It leaves her unsettled when she wakes, which is most often in the middle of the night, covered in a cold sweat.

The dreams finally seem to ease up as Halloween quickly approaches. Only one happening the night before Halloween, startling her awake in the wee hours of the morning. This time when she woke, the sun was only just starting to stream through the water into the room. Oh how calming the blue hue of waving light is. It eases her racing heart.

She quietly dresses for the day and heads down to the common room. As usual, when she's abruptly woken at this hour, the common room is nearly empty. She spots two seventh years sitting at a table practicing some advanced transfiguration spells. They barely give her a sideways glance as she walks past.

She makes her way outside, heading to the lake. The rising sun has yet to dry the dew from the grass as she walks along, the water dampening the edges of her cloak.

The grass is still damp when she arrives to her favorite spot, under a tree close to the water. As she settles, she opens her bag and rummages through. From it she pulls a journal and a pen, it's an pen from the Dursley's. Dudley had come home from the doctor when he was around eight or so. The pen was an elegant black and silver with the doctors name and business address printed on the side. As soon as Dudley put it down, forgetting about it immediately as soon as his back was turned, Vanessa snatched it up. It was the first time she felt brave enough to take what she wanted without asking. And how she cherished it over the years. From use, the doctors name is long gone, but it's still just a pretty and elegant. It had quickly become her go to when writing in her journal due to ease of a pen rather than a quill and ink.

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