The Letters From No One

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Harry was severely punished for the incident with the boa constrictor. They wouldn't let him leave the cupboard at all till the summer holiday. This left Vanessa with a bunch more chores and even more reason to hate her caretakers. And because Harry is out of reach, Vanessa has been getting the brunt of Dudley and his gang's torment. But she kept her head down and tried to get through it. 

It only got worse when Harry was able to come out because they took turns tormenting and hitting the twins. They escaped as much as possible. Vanessa was always keen on walking down to the shopping mart and glancing at all the books she didn't have. She loved to read and would do anything to get a new book. She snatches up money from home when she can. Harry is always cross when he catches her in the act, but Vanessa thinks she deserves it. And she's never been caught, so a pound or two here or there isn't that big of a deal. 

Both are excited for school to start. While Dudley is going off to Uncle Vernon's old private school Harry and Vanessa are going to the local public school together. This is hopefully a new start for them, a chance to make new friends, though it's probably unlikely when they'll be wearing old clothes that are much too big. Dudley thinks it hilarious that they are going to a public school and likes to rub it in their faces any chance he can. 

"They like to shove students into lockers." Dudley sneers at Vanessa. "Wanna practice." He gestures to a small trunk.

"I don't even think you could fit your head in there." Vanessa snickers and skips out before he can snatch her up. 

Sometime in July Harry and Vanessa are left at Mrs. Figg's while Aunt Petunia takes Dudley to get his Smeltings uniform. The stay is much more bearable than usual due to the fact the one of her cats is the cause of her broken leg. The twins were able to watch tv, something they're not allowed to do back a the Dursley's. It's mildly entertaining, though she much prefers her book. 

Thankfully Vanessa was able to miss out on Dudley parading around in his new uniform that night. She doesn't need to see him look like more of a prat than usual. Harry later told her is was maybe the funniest thing he had ever seen. 

When they awoke the next morning the kitchen had a horrid stench about it. Vanessa stayed in the cupboard as long as she could so she wouldn't have to go in there and smell it.

She hears the click of the mail slot and decides to check the mail. Harry meets her out in the hall and they go together. Vanessa watches as Harry picks up four things. One, a postcard from aunt Marge, another that looks to be a bill, and the final two are addressed to the twins. Harry hands Vanessa hers, she stares in wonder. She's never gotten mail before. she reads what's written on the front.

Miss V. Potter

The Cupboard Under the Stairs

4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging


The envelope is thick and heavy, made with yellowing parchment. The address is written in pretty emerald green ink. Vanessa studies the coat of arms which has a lion, badger, eagle, and snake all around an H, this is stamped into purple wax. 

"Hurry up, boy!" Uncle Vernon shouts from the kitchen. "What are you doing, checking for letter bombs?" Harry moves back to the kitchen, but Vanessa is rooted to the spot. With trembling fingers she slowly opens the envelope. She drops it once and picks it back up. She pulls out a heavy parchment and reads 

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