Midnight Duel

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She managed to finally catch her brother after dinner a few days after their first potions class. Ron seems to be distracted by the Weasley twins and Draco is so absorbed in telling Crabbe and Goyle about a vacation his parents had taken him on. She's able to slip away and catch up to him as leaves the Great Hall alone.

"Harry!" She grabs his arm, smiling at her brother.

"Oh, Vanessa. Finally managed to pull yourself away from that smug prat?" She bristles a bit at this comment.

"That's not very fair. Ron never even lets you speak to me in the halls." She says in an accusing tone. She stops and sighs. "Sorry, I've just missed you. We've never gone so long without speaking." He nods slowly.

"I've missed you as well. I hope that house is treating you well."

"Oh they are! It's been absolutely lovely. I'm sure being a Gryffindor is everything your dreamed." She smiles as Harry beams, but his face drops a bit.

"You should be careful around Malfoy." He warns. "His family doesn't have a good reputation."

"I knew he can be an arse, but he's got a good side." But Harry snorts at her response. "Look I didn't come here to get lectured  about my friend. I just came to catch up." Harry's gaze softens and they talk until Ron catches back up to him and starts pulling him off to the Gryffindor Tower. She watches him go sadly.

Harry hates Draco and Draco's feeling are completely mutual. But she remains friends with the pale boy. He's rude, and can quite terrible though that never extends to her. There's something about him that keeps Vanessa near. She knows deep down he has a good heart.

But the boys only put up with each other a little bit, since their houses only shared one class. That is, until a notice was pinned up on the notice board, right up next to the password to the common room. The notice states that flying classes will begin on Thursday and they will be sharing that with Gryffindor.

"I bet Potter is going to fall flat on his face as soon as he touches the broom." Draco sneers. "I'm quite good at flying. Father says the team should most definitely put me on. I think seeker would be a good place for me, it's quite an important position." Draco drones on about Quidditch at breakfast. He can be so full of himself. "It's such a shame first years never get a chance, they're missing out honestly."

The game seems interesting enough to her. She gets especially interested when Draco speaks about it. His eyes get shinier and he seems so excited about it.

Thursday morning Vanessa picks at her food. She is a bit nervous about flying, she is so sure she will fall flat on her face, much like Draco is sure Harry will do.

Draco's eagle owl swoops in when mail arrives, bringing him a package.

"Mother sent me fudge." He smiles brightly as he opens the package. "Care for a piece?" He offers her some. She takes a piece and nibbles on it. It tastes divine. So smooth and the flavors bursting across her tongue.

"Shame you don't get anything," Draco says as he samples a piece. "I'm sure if I talked to my parents they could sent you some sweets too." This is probably the first thing Vanessa has heard him say that isn't completely self absorbed or rude to another person.

"No, that isn't necessary. I wouldn't want anyone to waste their money or time on me." She shakes her head, the trauma of the Dursley's still sticking with her.

"Nonsense, my family is quite wealthy," Draco says proudly, but he drops the subject when he sees her face. "Come on, I'm done eating, and I see you are too." He stands suddenly. Crabbe and Goyle don't even need to be told to follow. Vanessa shuffles beside him as the goons trail behind.

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