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Its been 1 month since the big war of the main and minor houses, 1 month since Kim's father Korn died, 1 month since Kim and Chay spoke.


"Don't you think it's better for you to move back in Kimhan?"

"M-hm?" Kim cocks an eyebrow at Kinn while he stomples on the finished siggerette bud that is now been put out on his dead fathers grave.

"Look I know the only reason you left the compound in the first place is because of how Dad treated you, but he's dead now Kimmy and i think Thunkun would love to have you back, you know he misses you alot and"-he pauses for a second before he continues-" so do i."

Kim never really thought this day would come he doesnt even know why he even bothered to show up.
Yes he imagined it all before, hell he even imagined killing the old man himself but now that he's here and Korn has finally kicked the bucket he knows Kinn is right and the only reason for his absence at home was his dear father who would have probably forced him to take over since he knew Kim was more capable of leading the mafia clan better then Kinn ever could.
Kim knew ruling the mafia wasn't what he wanted and has no problem letting Kinn take care of his fathers filthy legacy but he also knows he is really good at what he used to do. He also knew that he was smarter and stronger not only mentally but also physically than Kinn but he has no plans of taking over now, he liked his private life away from his fathers minions that would constantly look over his shoulder, good thing Kinn is nothing like his father.
But now that Korn is no longer an obstacle Kim wouldn't actually mind moving back in, yes he also misses his brothers and some houskeepers of the mansion he grew up with and he remembers the a good times he had with them when his father wasn't present atleast. When he was everyone was quiet and didn't dare to speak unless they were spoken to and that's what Kim hated most.
As they got older though they became more brave and free spoken as they also started learing the GAME, and when Kim saw he's chance to leave he didn't even look twice before moving out as he knew his father couldn't really do anything to stop him because Korn knew Kim's 'WIK' persona could easily support his financial situation so Korn didn't bother to cut him off his wealth he just made Kinn his new victim.

"Let me think about it Kinn," Kim nods in appreciation for his brother confession, he still needs time to make sure this is the right decision.
"Please do brother" Kinn says squeezing Kim's shoulder in a comforting way as their getting approached by Porche and a overly chatty Thunkun.

"Ahhh Hello....Kimmy!, you look depressi-ahh..gracefull as always", Thunkun changes his words as he sees the irritated face that Kim is putting on.

"Gracefull? Says the one in a neon green suit at a funeral, who are you trying to impress huh? The dead? And take that hat of your not a widow." Kim says with a humorous sarcastic tone.

"Yeez such a hater, you have no taste.  But  you know Kimmy you are the last person I expected at our old man's funeral, tell me eh are you planing on moving back? Huh? Oh please do, I miss you alot and since pete left with 'whats his face' Vegas and it's been really lonely you know."

Kim never knew how much he really missed his crazy brother till now, the way his craziness and out of pocket style just lights up a room although he really never showed  or said it, Thankun was probably his favorite brother.

"I said I'd think about it Kun. "

"Thats Great!" He states dramatically throwing his hands up, "now tell me you have met porche right?" Again Kim was made aware of the familiar tanned man standing right beside Kinn as they make eye contact while Porche bids a welcoming smile to him.

"Ahh..yes I know Kun"-porche interrupts,
"we kind of met at the warehouse during the hole Tawan insident. Nice to officially meet you Kim"-.
Kim shakes his hand in greeting as if he doesn't already know everything about him considering he basically stalked Porche, whiles trying to find out about his sudden involvement in the mafia, now knowing he's actually a clean slate.

-"I also still haven't thanked you saving my little brother Chay—"...And there it is, Kim stops listening as he metally shuts down–

That NAME, the NAME that has been haunting him for the last month, the NAME of the person he tried to forget but miserably failed and is now just being thrown into the conversation so natrually it actually feels forbidden to Kim. It feels like someone is groping his heart with their fist as all the memories starts flooding back: the lessons, the kidnapping, the boy crawled up against his knees sobbing in front of his apartment building...suddenly the voice of his brother brings him out of his inner missery as his attention focuses on him.

"Oh yes Chay Chay, he's such a sweet boy Kimmy and he likes music just like you, I met him like a month ago or so and I also came to know that he's a big fan of you, well WIK that is," Thunkun winks-"speaking of the boy where is he Porche did he come with you?"

Now Kim's heart is racing and it feels on fire 'he's here?', 'Does he know i am?' Kim is spiraling all these thoughts silently in his head as he uncontiously starts searching the grounds for Chay only to find the old soals and friends his father used to know that is here for the funeral, but there is no sign of the sweet boy he can't move on from. 'Damit! where is he?'
Kim has been trying to get ahold of this boy for a month, A MONTH but it's been really difficult considering Chay blocked him on everything and he's been living like a ghost on the compound that is crawling with bodyguards, and the suspicous eyes of his relatives, even when Kim did show up to the compound he was notified that Chay has left or is busy with one thing or another...

His thoughts got yet again interupted-"No me and Kinn dropped him at the airport this morning." Porche gives a sad expression but hides it quickly.

"AIRPORT!?" Thunkun and Kim both say simutainiously, but Kunn starts talking before anyone can even question Kim's suspicious sudden shock.

"He left already? Damn I thought it was tommorow i was even planning on having a party for him tonight, Oh well, but you could've atleast taken me to bid him goodbye Kinn considering we won't be seeing him for another 4 months since he decided to spend his winter break in Korea. " Thunkun wipes a fake tear.

"Youve only known the kid a month Kunn and I tried to wake you, remember? But you just yelled at me and kicked me out." Kinn can't help but chuckle at his brothers stupidity.

Ahh! Well you could have tried harder!" He fake slaps Kinn- "And a month is alot i've gotten so use to precious Chay and now he's gone again"

Kim's heart is in his trought. Did he hear correctly? Korea? 4 MONTHS? No this can't be right. Did his Angel really just leave him just like that?, did he get over him so fast? or could it maybe be that he ran away so he doesn't have to face his feelings?
A small part of Kim hopes that this is the truth and that his Angel didn't just get over him and left him alone to battle with what he now feels could be one sided feelings.

'NO! He said he loved me, he said it I swear he did, i remeber ,you can't just unlove someone, right?
I thought he just needed time and I fucking gave it to him I didn't think he would leave the country, I thought that maybe when things settled down and he got used to this new life he was forced into he would atleast let me explain and beg for another chance and this?
He feels like he can't deal with this now he needs to leave before he starts showing his discomfort for this information he just got to know about.

"Oh, Kim a-are you okay?" Thunkun sounds worried as he waves his hands infront of Kims face as sees how his brother spiraling inside. Yes it's not a look visible to everyone else but Thankun knows this look on Kim even though Kim can conrol and cover up his emotions impresively good it still never slips Thunkun's eye, Thankun used to see this look everytime Kim came out of his fathers office and he knows its not a good one, it's the look of fear and rage al mixed together with a hint worry.

"Ah its nothing Kunn!" he lies, "I need to leave now I'll see you again, nice meeting you too porche." Thats all the trio hears as Kim leaves them puzzled and speeds threw the crowd to his car.

To be continued...

Thanks for the support so far <3

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