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Jaab's pov

When I met Chay 4 months ago I knew I wanted to be apart of his life for a long time. Growing up I had alot of friends but none of them I held close enough to my heart that I'd go to extreme measures for.
But that was until bumped into a specific brown haired boy at the atuu's club in Seoul. I usually have an extreme extroverted personality and talk alot but when I made eye contact with Chay it was like I swallowed my tounge. He was beautiful, nice and sweet and he had the loveliest voice I've ever heard. His aura was so inviting and lovely I didn't think twice before befriending him.

The rest was history when I found myself with him 24/7. He told me about his universaty in Thailand and his also interest in music, that's when we got really close, the coincidence of us going to the same school and us meeting in Seoul I knew it was meant to be. It was only later when I realized I had deeper feelings for Chay, I wanted to tell him then, I wanted to confess but I knew it wasn't the right time.
He told me about his ex, this Kim guy and I felt really bad for him and I wanted to punch Kim so badly for doing Chay like that. Chay was so sweet and I knew I would never be able to do something like that to him.

I also knew he wasn't over this guy when I told me about him. The way he talked about Kim made me feel a little bit of jealousy  inside me.
Chay was hurting really bad for this guy and I knew all I could for him at the time was to be there for him.

I was planning on waiting a few months until I thought it would've been save to confess myself...


When we finished breakfast me and Maccua went back to a guest room to change for the arcade. When I was done I told Maccua that I would wait for him and Chay downstairs, givving him more privacy to change or whatever.

When I walked past Chays room I couldn't help but overhear him having a conversation with someone, I didn't care at first but when I recognized Kim's voice I couldn't stop myself from ease dropping.

'What is even he saying?
I couldnt believe my ears, they kissed?
Wait he brought Chay back to bed last night? Fuck I should've thought something was off when Chay asked if it was us.
Jaab could sense from the way Kim is talking right now it sounds like he was going to confess to Chay.
Wait Now? NO!'
Jaabs mind was in a haze, he had a feeling Kim was trying to get Chay back but damn so soon?
He can't let this happen,not now, he can't let Kim finish that confession, he knows Chay, he knows that Chay still has some lingering feelings for Kim.

Jaab didn't even realise when he moved his feet until he found himself standing inside the door, making the duo turn their heads to look at him.

"We're leaving for the arcade Chay are you coming?" Is all I managed to think of in that second.

I saw Chay look at Kim while wiping his face. 'is he crying?'
- Jaab thinks before Chay takes him by the arm and leaves the room after telling Kim he needs to go.

Authors pov

"Chay are you okay? Look at me. Were you crying?" Jaab asks the moment they were alone.

"No phi I just—"

"You guys ready?" Maccua asks coming in from behind them finally fully dressed.

"—uhh don't worry about it."Chay says reassuringly.

Chay didn't want to spoil the mood with his Kim problems now. He's been dying to spend alot of time with his two bestest friends and he doesnt want to ruin it. With that thought Chay got his act together while hooking his arms into theirs pulling them to the door." Let's go" Chay says enthusiastically.

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