about last night

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Kim didn't close an eye last night, since he tucked Chay back in after their little "collaboration" he didn't know what to do.

He kissed Chay while he was drunk, well Chay kissed him first, in Kims mind that has to compensate for something. Shit!

Kim doesn't even mind that they kissed, not at all, kissing Chay was something he wanted to do since he realized his feelings for him. But what he was scared of was Chay not liking it. Kim knows Chay was drunk last night and could've just acted on impulse but he just can't shake the feeling of how real that kiss was. And what Chay said last night about his feelings is still playing with Kim's head, he still needs to find out the thruth, he really needs some closure. But at what approach?

Kim cant deny how alive Chay made him feel last night. It was like Chay was hypnotizing him and Kim knows that he is completely under Chay's spell...

There was something else that was bothering Kim too...considering how drunk Chay was last night, would he even remember what they did? And if he didn't, do Kim tell him?


Chay woke up to the sound of the early morning birds chirping at his open window as usual. They always sound so lovely that it  made Chay feel so good when waking up, but today he felt anyting but good or lovely. His head was pounding and it felt like he was literally sitting on a moving roller coaster.

"So this is what a hungover feels like?, fukking sucks!" Chay says to himself as he sits up to take in his surroundings.

Chay was yet again made aware that he wasn't in the gaming room where he remembers falling asleep last night, he was in his own room. Chay looks down and also finds his scars neatly cleaned and bandaged.

"Huh, Did they really carry me back? Did they put a new bandage on me too?" Chay shakes of the his questions and cripples with his sore leg over to his bathroom to to take a much wanted shower,  when he was done Chay started singing his favorite song and was in thought when he started brushing his teeth infront of the mirror. Chays eyes suddenly flew upen—


Chay quickly rinses his mouth and starts stepping back with the sudden memories of last nights passionate kiss flooding back in.

'Dream? No it felt so real, it couldn't have been, could it? No Kim would never kiss me—would he? '

Shit Chay felt so stupid, how can he not recall if it was a dream or reality, it felt way to real for it to be a dream but yet he knows Kim would never kiss him in reality. 'Damn it what was it?!'

Chay felt so embarrassed, dream or not he remembers that he was the one to kiss Kim first and damn it felt so good, if it really was a dream then Chay won't deny that it was the best dream he ever had.  But what if it's a reality?, why did Kim kiss him back? Could he have deeper feelings for Chay too? Or could it be out of pity? No you don't kiss someone you don't like with so much passion.'–Chay thinks shaking his head in frustration.

'But how do I know for sure? Was he the one that carried me back? Wait If he did then it must be true, but if Jaab or Maccua brought me then it must be not, Yeah!'

This isn't a full proof method of finding out but it's all Chay has to work with. Chay doesn't really feel stressed alot now because he's almost sure it must've been a dream because he's sure Kim wouldn't kiss him back or like that.

Chay quickly got dressed and made his way downstairs to the gaming room in hopes that he would find the other two down there.


"Ahh-" Jaab groans as he feels a heavy pressure on his chest. Maccau was sleeping almost on top of him and breathing into his neck. Jaab honestly didn't know how to feel about this right now, no one has ever slept this close to him and the way Maccau has his arms wrapped around him makes him feel a little tingle in his stomach.

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