what are you feeling?

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A room was never as loud as it was tonight. The three boys went and enjoyed themselves so much that the ruckus in that room could've even put Thunkun to shame.

The night started off easy, a little awkward but not to much, they were just sitting by the pool talking in a little sirkel while maccua and jaab finally got to know eachother more. When things got more comfortable they were contemplating on how they should spend the rest of the night, until Maccau got the genuis idea of bringing alcohol into the acquisition, well ofcourse he did Maccau would never slip the opportunity to have a great night. Although Maccau wasn't a senior he drank alot more than he should, not like all the time but he would never say no to a drink at an event or party and according to him he thought tonight was the perfect event indeed.

Jaab didn't really mind but Chay was a little hesitant at first because he never drank before. It only took a few minutes of convincing until Chay gave in anyways which made the other two almost jump In joy.

They were indeed the same.

The three of them had a blast that night partying In the gaming room downstairs, they were playing loud music, dancing, playing video games and having fun all night. Maccau and Jaab were also hitting it off pretty well and Chay couldn't be happier.

They decided to not leave the gaming room that night because if Chay's brother Porche found out that they were drinking they would be in alot of trouble considering Chay and Maccaus age and Chay also didn't want to dissapoint his brother, so they decided to stay down stairs.

It was almost midnight and the three of them were completely wasted by this time, it only took a few drinks for Chay to realise how lightweight he really was.
He always wondered what it would feel like to be drunk but he didn't know it was so dissapointing. Yes it started off really good since he never felt so alive before and he had such a blast tonight but he didn't know how his emotions can flip so quickly. It's like all his feelings are hightned, like he's drowning in them, and yet all he could seem to think about in this state was the one thing he didn't want to..

Chay felt empty, like really empty. Something was missing and he knew it, he knows exactly what it is or rather who it is but just the sheer thought of it makes Chay mad. Chay wants  Kim so bad but thinking that maybe friendship is the only thing kim wants in return is making Chay so sad and even dissapointed in himself again. He spent since  almost 5 months trying to get over him and just when he thinks he had accomplished his goal it all comes crashing down the moment he looks into those eyes.

Kim's eyes weren't kind, it wasn't seductive, it wasn't even manipulative but it was something else, something not even Chay could grasp or understand. All he knows is that that something is something Chay never ever wants to let go of and if given the chance Chay would never look away from them again.

Kim was the only thing Chay thought of before he passed out along with his two friends on the cold floor.


It wasn't even an hour later when Chay felt a slight sting on one of his scars. When he opened his eyes he wasn't in the gaming room anymore, he was in his own room and when Chay looked down he was greeted with the sight of Kim patching up the wounds that seem to have ripped open again from all the movement he was doing today. Chay just sighned at this—

"Wow isn't it's enough that I have to think about you all the time and now your in my dreams?" Chay says slurring and not realizing how drunk he still is.

Kim looks up to the sudden sound coming from Chay as he puts the kit away and sits on the bed next to Chay and tries to tuck the boy in. He has been listening to the commotion in that room all night and can't help but feel a little dissapointed in Chay for letting his friends talk him into drinking.

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