a good surprise

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Porchay's pov

It feels a little strange to be back here again.

It all looks so different yet so the same, its is as if I never really took the chance to admire the beauty of this place. Yes I thought this place was magnificent when I first arrived like 5 months ago but I never really took the time to admire its true beauty since I was so caught up with everything that happened, I atleast have a week to admire and revisit my my favorite places before university starts Chay thinks.

When the cab finally came to a stop at the Main entrance I could see the bodyguards on duty get a little suspicious but they quickly changed their expression when they saw me get out.

"Mr Porchay sir, sorry we weren't expecting you today." It's Arm, one of Porchay's favorite bodyguards. Porchay feels happy that Arm is the first one he sees because when he was alone at the compound Arm would always be there to keep him company and Arm was actually the one who gave Chay the idea to go to Korea, and now that Chay is back he can't be more thankfull to Arm.

"What you didn't miss me?" Chay says in a little tease.

"No, no..I did i just-"

"I'm just pulling your leg Arm, I came here to surprise my brother a little earlier than planned thats all."

"And it's a good surprise indeed sir", Arm says with a content and satisfied smile as he tries to take Porchay's luggage.

"Ahh, no need Arm please don't bother, would you mind lett-"


Chay almost jumped as he got a good scare from Thankuns loud dramatic voice but before he can even reconsile what just happend Thankun embraces him in a hug, and almost suffocates him in his big pink fur coat.

Arm seems to get what Chay was going to ask of him so he takes his leave as he runs up to notify Porche of Chay's arrival, before Thunkun really suffocates the boy.

"Chayy ahhh!! what a lovely surprise I almost thought you where a ghost right now, that's how much I missed you Nong!"

"Yes Kunn I've missed you too but please I can't breath here" chay says almost in a plead that causes Thankun to let go and finally look at Chay more clearly now.

"Chay you know I had to look twice as I almost didn't recognize you just now, looks like what they say about those Korean beauty standards really does have an effect on people, and a good one too I mean you look great, I like how you did your hair and it looks like you lost that baby fat around your face too, you look a little older too and your skinn!... its so good, you really do look good chay chay!, well not as good as me of course but still your a real eye catcher."

Chay only smiles at Thankuns compliment.

Chay did notice that he looks alot different from what he did 4 months ago. When he met Jaab he got to learn alot about style as he also got to learn his own likes and dislikes in clothes as when before he didn't really care what he went out with and since Jaab was quite the diva his habits couldn't help but rub off on Chay too since he also started to take better care of his skin and the way he dresses.
As for the baby fat he didn't even realize he lost it but it feels good to know that he doesn't look like child anymore. This also gave Chay a sort of confidence he never had before as he started to realize that he was blessed with really good looks that he only discovered in himself after he met Jaab.

Thankun was now busy yapping about how his last few months was and all the shows he watched and rewatched when Chay cought a glimpse of his brother running up to him and jumps him in a hug, almost harder than Thankun's but Chay didn't mind, he missed his brother like crazy so much so that there even escaped a little tear out of his eyes.

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