4 months later

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Porchay's pov.

I knew from the minute Kim offered me those music lessons after he rejected it the first time that something was up. Busy Idols like WIK don't just compromise for boys like me. But I never thought it would be this fucked up.
I must say I underestimated his intentions a little to much, thinking it was just for some media praise and clout or something.
And yet I still found myself crying on the ground because of something I should've predicted in the first place.

But what threw me off even more was the video he sent me confessing his 'feelings' , I must say that took quite the toll on me. I mean how could he just do something so fucked up and then try to make me believe that he actually likes me now?, even if he did how am I supposed to just ignore the big elephant in the room? And how do I know he's not just plotting something again?

Something in me made me blame myself more than I ever blamed him. I felt so stupid and naive and I hated that. But I also knew that nothing was going to happen if I didn't grow up but with everyone keeping an eye on me aspesially Kim, it made me feel trapped.

So I built up the courage to ask my brother for something big and surprisingly he gave in alot easier than I expected, he looked a little disappointed and sad as he also got to learn about the interview I literally threw in the trash but I think he understood how I must've felt, although I never told him about Kim.

So here I was at Korea for the winter break, luckily university doesn't start for another 4 months and I was lucky enough to get another interview thanks to Kinn and his connections.

While I was here i got so see and explore alot, I tried new things and joined a few clubs, not the kind of clubs where you drink and party all night but the ones you learn about new things and get to meet new people. And it was also at one of these clubs where I met my now best friend Jaab. Jaab was tall and handsome with dark features, he was older than me too and a total lady magnet if i do say so myself, I would've never guessed that someone like him was into literature and music, but I guess I have a bad judge of character considering I dated Kim.

Jaab and me were always together since we enjoyed eachothers company alot and we had alot in common, I even told my hia about him. Jaab was also Thai and it was a coincidence to learn that he was in the same university I was going to, he was a senior though and he will unfortunately only attend like a month after me since he needs to sort out some stuff in Korea first, I think this also made us alot closer.
The time I spent in Korea and with Jaab and all my other friends made me realize that everything that went down back home wasn't really that serious, I think I matured alot.

I talked alot about Kim to Jaab and he was really supportive as he assured me that  everything is going to be okay and it happens to alot of people and he convinced me to forgive kim because its not healty to keep laching on to something like this and he helped me move over the whole situasion quicker as the grudge i held for Kim slowly dissapeard. What I also liked about Jaab was that he didn't judge me about my situation at all, he was really a good friend and I'm so thankful I ran into him.

I still couldn't stop myself from thinking about Kim sometimes even if I did force myself not to, he would end up haunting me In my dreams.
I know I miss him alot and I know whatever was between us will probably never be again since he doesn't love me but that's okay, I on the other hand can't deny that I still love him and I know i already forgave him, but I doubt I will ever trick myself in falling for him again, so i decided to still just be there loving Kim silently.

4 months later...

"Yo! Chay, want me to pack some of these cookies my mom made us for your flight?" Jaab screams from the kitchen while Chay is busy packing his suitcase. "Of course! I wouldn't leave without it."

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