passion 🔞

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"Kim, your hands are not where I need them to be..." Chay says seductively almost in a whisper, he can't believe he really just said that but he doesn't care because he meant it.

A flikker of exitment enlights in Kim's eyes. Those words were enough to send bolts of sensations down to his member.
'Did he hear correctly? Was Chay always this shameless?' Fuck who cares, No one has ever managed to turn Kim on so fast as Chay did right now.

Kim quickly gets off the hands he's leaning on and slips it under Chay's shirt tracing sircles around his waist with his fingers making Chay shiver with goosebumps.
"So sensitive?" Kim says looking up at Chay who is almost leaning on top of him for support.
Chay was so lost in these touches that he never felt before, this was all so new to him yet he's so glad it's Kim touching him and not anyone else.

"Mhmm" Chay hums looking into back Kim's eyes before colliding their lips once again.
Chay could instantly feel Kim hardening underneath him making him realise the effect he has on him Kim. Chay took this opportunity to slowly grind his ass on Kim's hard on making Kim groan into the kiss as he dug his fingers into Chay's lower back.

"B...Baby ahh-" Kim stutters moaning into Chays mouth.

Chay felt like the last bit of shame he had left in him dissapeared into thin air as he started grinding on Kim faster and harder. Chay loved hearing Kim so weak and vulnerable underneath him. Chay knew he wanted him, no he needed him...Tonight.
"Can we do it?-" Chay asks after breaking the kiss completely and looking into Kim's eyes, his cheeks are fully flushed with a pretty crimson red colour making Kim gulp down before speaking.

"Are you sure?- we dont have to"

"I need you now....please Kim"- Chay says almost in a plead and almost begging making Kim's eyes darken.
Kim doesn't waste a second more and wraps his arms around Chay's waist flipping them around making them fall into the sheets as he hovers over Chay. Kim then starts trailing kisses from his jaw right down to Chay's lower stomache, when Kim reached the botton on Chay's pants he quicly looked back at Chay for some evidence of approval, in which Chay just eagerly nodded. Soon Chay's pants came off and his legs fell open, Kim then positioned himself right in between them leaning over to kiss Chay once more. Chay wrapped his body around Kim making his back arche up colliding their torso's. Kim slipped his tounge back into Chay's mouth making him whine into the kiss gripping Kim's shoulders for more support. After a few moments Kim breaks the kiss again,

"You didn't do it with someone else before, did you?" Kim suddenly asks hoping to hear that he was the first one to ever see Chay in this state, panting desperately underneath him, only him.

"N-No never-"Chay mumbles as the feeling from Kim nipping on his exposed collar bone starts to cloud his mind.

"Good boy",Kim says satasfied as Chay tilts his head to give him more space. "Do you have protection?" Kim asks since they're not in his own room.

Chay tries to gather his senses first before he reaches for the drawer on his nightstand still looking at kim, after shuffling his hand around for a few seconds he retrieves it with a condom and a small bottle of lube. "Here."
Kim wants to ask why he has this but decides to just take it and leave the questions for later.
Kim shifts back down in between Chay's milky thighs feeling satisfied with the bulge he caused from underneath Chay's pants. "Damn your so beautifull baby" Kim murmures deep and heavy as he stares up at Chay laying infront of him causing his own situation down there to worsen. Chay just smiled shyly at the compliment that Kim gave him.
Then Chay reaches out for Kim, wanting to grab him close again; Kim on the other hand somehow managed to pull himself away from Chay as he removes his clothes. He then positioned himself back between Chay's legs and started sucking onto his soft thighs, ghosting his lips over Chay's throbbing member in his briefs.
"Kimm..." Chay groanes lifting his hips searching for some friction. Kim immediately took the hint then he slowly took off the boxers and threw it somewhere in the room.
Kim wasted no time, he licked his lips before sliding the whole of Chay cock into his mouth. Chay was moaning mess above him, tugging onto Kim's hair making Kim groan in satasfaction around Chay member. Kim didn't stop until he could feel Chay's thighs twitch while begging for release.

"Kim ahh.. wait im close.."

After taking in every drop of come Chay managed to release, he sat back up to capture Chay's lips for another kiss. After kissing him deep and thoroughly he sneaked his hands back up Chay's shirt ghosting over his nipples.
"How do you want it, Angel?" Kim asks focusing all his attention back at Chay's eyes as the younger looks innocently back up to him. Kim wishes he could see Chay in this state everyday, with Chay's consent ofcourse.
Chay knew exactly what he wanted, he has fantasized about this moment alot more than he should've and now that it's finally happening he wants to do it his way.

"I want to ride you," Chay says not ever breaking the eye contact. Kim almost groaned again at how sexy and seductive Chay looks right now. He loves this side of him. "You sure?" Kim says with a smirk while Chay just hums in response flipping them over so that now Chay is sitting back ontop of Kim. "Let me prepare you first Kim says as Chay nods, Kim then squirts some lube over his fingers and slowly and very carefully inserts the first finger into Chay's hole. Kim made sure to look carefully at Chay's reaction before continuing to make sure he's okay.

The first finger didn't hurt at all, Chay has fingered himself in the past so he was almost amune to one finger. It was not until Kim entered with the second when he felt the burn, it hurt like hell. Chay grips back onto Kim's shoulders for support. Kim sped up the movement of his fingers before adding a third making Chay moan as the pleasure starts overthrowing the pain. After a few more pumps of Kim's fingers Chay started to get impatient, he desperately wanted to be fulled with Kim's cock. "I'm ready pleasee.. " Chay finally said making Kim slow down his pase before completely removing his fingers, Chay hated this sudden emptiness. Chay then pushed Kim back onto the headboard before kissing him again, needinly. Kim groaned then he tugged Chay's lower lip between his teeth, sucking lightly. Chay whimpered, both his hands coming around Kim's neck as he straddled him. He grinded down on Kim's cock desperate for friction before reaching for the neglected condom on the bed then rolling it on Kim himself.

"Fuck, Angel..." Kim almost moaned gripping Chay's hips as he could feel his cock penetrating into Chay's tight whole. The pain of Kim's member shot up Chay back making him squize his eyes shut. "Easy.." Kim says rubbing Chay's back helping him adjust onto his length.

After a few seconds Chay could feel the pain start to feel more durable. Then he started to slowly move up and down making him surprised at how good it felt.

"So good Kim, fuck.." Chay moaned in his ear, Kim growled burrying his face in Chay's chest as his hands started kneading Chay's plump ass. Moments later Chay's movement started going faster, he was in desperate search for that bundle of nerves that was hiding deep inside him, Kim knew exactly what Chay was searching for and started to also thrust up helping him find his prostate. Not even a few moments later he found it causing Chay to squirm with pleasure as he threw his head back.

"Ahh...Kim right there.." Chay moans loudly before biting onto his fingers.

"Is it good, baby?" Kim's asks making Chay nod senslessly as he gripped back onto Kim's hair as he continued to ride him, rolling his hips at a pace that had Kim's head spinning. Chay traced his fingers back to Kim's face making him to look up. Kim saw Chay looking at him with deep, hooded eyes and lips parted, Kim growled at how good he looked, sliding his hand up to grip his waist tighter.

"I love you so damn much.." Kim's said as he started leaving marks on Chay's chest. "I love you more.." Chay moaned and started to speed up the pace once again. Kim could feel his own orgasm start to build with those words, causing him to bite harder down onto Chay's collar bone." Thouch me please...Kim" Chay's voice is low and deprate and it is enough to turn Kim on all over again. He then wrapped his hand around Chay's length stroking it up and down, finally sending Chay over the edge.

After a few more thrusts both of them finally came in and on eachother. Chay felt weak, he felt good, he never thought this moment would come and he felt so high and yet he was tired. Chay couldn't help it as he passes out before collapsing onto Kim's chest. Kim just smiled and stroked Chay's hair for a minute while trying to calm down himself. He then cleaned them both up and put Chay to bed, mumbling another I love you before closing his eyes aswell....


To be continued....

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