something more

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"Am I interrupting something?"

The doctor just came back from the pharmaceutical facility to give chay his prescription when he stumbled upon the two in their moment.

" oh it's nothing thanks for the help doc" Chay says as he tries to avoid eye contact with Kim.

He is so confused. 'Did he hear right? Kim loves him? Then why didn't he say that when we were laying on that couch?' Did he not love me then?'
Chay's head hurts to much from the fall to think about all of this now. He just wants to rest he just want to be alone. Kim is confusing him so much that he is starting to feel irritated.

"take me home Kim." Chay slips the words out so informally it actually gives Kim goosebumps. Chay did notice this and does feel a little shame but doesn't care enough to correct himself now.

"Yeah let me just call Porche and ask Arm to bring the car around." Kim says quickly and dissapears out the room.
Chay's irritated expression didn't not fail to catch Kim's attention, he knows he's messed up by involving his personal deep feelings towards Chay so early but he it kind of just slipped out.

Its been 4 hours since chay got back from the hospital and has been resting in his room. He did sleep a while before his brother brought his dinner upstairs so he could feel more comfortable.

Chay just got out of the shower and was deep in his thoughts trying to patch his wounds in the bathroom, he didn't want to bother his brother since he doesn't want to feel like a burden to anyone so he reasured Porche that he'll manage, which he is regretting now cause he can't reach some of his wounds.

Kim on the other hand was on standing  right in front of Chay's bedroom door. He doesn't really know how long he's been standing there but Kim can't help but worry if he's doing okay, he cant help but worry if chay maybe needs help with something or if he needs help standing to go somewhere.
So Kim finally decides to knock..
But no answer..
He opens the unlocked door to find the bed empty.
Shit, 'Is he okay did he fall?' Kim suddenly starts to stress as he rushes to check the bathroom if he's fine. Kim's heart only felt at ease again when he saw Chay standing inside. 'Thank goodness.' Kim thinks as Chay just stares cluelessly at him through the mirror.


"Im sorry.. Chay you weren't in bed so I thought you might have I came to check and..I'm sorry..Kim uncontiously looks down on Chay as he realizes he just got out from the shower and is trying clean his wounds.

Chay suddenly also realizes that he's half naked as only a small towel is rapped around his torso.

"Let me help you." Kim says as he steps closer and before Chay can say anyting and grabs the ointment while he gently applys some to chays back scratches. He knows Chay wouldn't want to burden anyone for help even if that is his own brother, he'll rather struggle.

" You didnt need to P'Kim It was okay, I was doing fine" Chay tries to reasure Kim but deep  inside he's really thankfull that he's here.

"Are you mad at me Chay?" Kim changes the subject as he turns Chay around so he can focus on the marks on his sholders and chest.

"I'm not mad, I was just a little confuesed that's all since you never said that to me before." Chay says honestly.

"I'm wasn't lying Chay, I do love you, and I know I didn't say it back that day"- Kim looks into Chay's eyes this time and continues-" I didn't really realize what love was or if I loved you back then before it was to late. But I do love you and I do care about you more than you'll ever know and I know this confuses you but it true. I mean how could I not love you, how couldn't anyone? Your really easy to love, you have a good heart Chay it attracts alot of people."

Chays head feels in a daze as his mouth feels stuck. He was spiraling so many emotions and thoughts in his head but when he looked into Kim's eyes he knew Kim was sincere.

Chay couldn't really focus on anything else as he realizes how close their faces were, and suddenly so did Kim but neither of them backed away as they both just tried to absorb this long desired closeness.

Kim was loving this moment and would give anything to kiss him right now but he won't make the first move because he's terrified of what Chay might do and he can't go back to no contact. And what Kimis finding difficult to grasp is that even looking directly into Chay's eyes he can't read it, not at all. What is Chay even thinking right now?'

'Kim is close, to close, dangerously close and Chay loves it...' I wish I could kiss him right now, I really do but I won't risk making pur relationship awkward because even though he just said he loved me I don't know if it's just because I'm a good person or if he has deeper feelings for me, he's so difficult to fucking read.'

Chay didnt realize when he was uncontiously moving closer...and aparrently neigther did Kim, they were both just lost in this momen—

Ring...ring!!...its Chays phone.

Chay breaks eye contact when he scrambles to pick up his phone and tries to avoid Kim's euphoric gaze.
"H-hello? P'Jaab."

'P' who?' Kim thinks irritated about this guy ruining a perfect moment. 'Does his angel really respect this guy so much that he has to call him so formally?' He clicks his tounge and starts working on Chay's lower stomache where the bigger wound was situated.

"Oh okay yeah no can't wait" Chay says into the phone not really listening to what jaab is saying because he unable to properly focus as he tries not to feel sensitive to Kim touching him near his lower half.

Kim is a little oblivious to this as he thinks Chay is stiffening because of the ointment.
"I'm sorry Chay does it burn?"

"Yes be quick!" Chay says as he hangs up the phone with a goodbye.

No it doesn't burn, it doesn't even sting but chay would do anything to get Kim away from touching him, after all he's just a boy and with Kim being the only one he ever felt attraction towards doesn't help his situasion at all.

Kim patches a clean bandate on his wound and stands up. "Okay I think you're go—"

Okay thank P' I think I need to rest now thanks for your help I'll see you tomorrow" Chay says as he guides/pushes Kim out the door and closes it.

"Phew, that could've gotten embarrassing, get ot together CHAY!! It's not like that!" He slaps his cheeks.

'What was that all about?' Kim thinks as he walks back to his own room right accross from Chay's. He doesn't really care because Chay didn't seem to be angry, maybe he's just tired.


It was the the next day and Kim just came downstairs to make Chay some brunch. He's been with Chay all morning playing video games and talking which caused them to lose track of time since it was already twelve.

"So you're that guy my brother's been talking about so much?" Kim hears Porche say as he passes the lobby and stops when he sees a tall guy with jet black hair and impressive facial features shaking Porche's hand.

"Who are you?" Kim asks as he wastes no time and walks over to them.

"Uh I'm Jaab, Chays friend." He says confidently.

A sudden feeling of jealousy fills Kim as he realizes that Chay spent almost 4 months alone with this attractive guy but he doesn't want to think about any possibilities of something happening between them. He heard Chay talk about him alot but it wasn't until this moment that he questioned if it was something more. Kim is not blind to realise Chay's type in men since jaab and kim have a striking resemblance in how they dress and look.

"This is Kim my boyfriends brother" Porche says introducing him. But Jaab just gives a knowing look and bows.


Everyone turns around and sees a surprised Chay hopping down the stairs on one leg.


To be continued...

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