its always you

466 24 4

Little bit of mature scene at the end

*20 mins ago in Chays room*

Chay and Jaab were sitting on his couch laughing and making jokes, when one thing led to another and the jokes turned into them violently tickeling eachother on that couch.

Chay was attacking Jaab with tickles until Jaab was begging through his giggles for some air but Chay didn't prevail. When Jaab finally found his strength again he swayed his hand around Chay's waist switching their positions putting Jaab ontop of Chay. The tickling went on for a moment or two more until Jaab finally showed Chay some mercy letting him catch his breath.

Jaab was hovering over Chay admiring his pretty face while Chay took some time catching his breath. When Chay finally opened his eyes he was suddenly made aware of their position and so was Jaab.

Chay looked into Jaabs eyes and in this mere moment the thought he had earlier came back. The thought of having Jaab as more than a friend, the thought of having someone who will actually treat him right. They were only a few inches away and for a second Chay actually thought about closing the gap between them.

Chay's eyes didn't move from his and neither did Jaab's. Jaab was contemplating,on one side he wanted to kiss Chay so bad but he didn't want ot ruin things and on the other side he was planning on confessing tonight anyway so kissing him might be a good start.

Jaab didn't know when he decided on kissing him but before he knew it their lips collided.
Chay is actually kissing him back and Jaab couldn't believe it, it was the best moment of his life. It felt like he was floating.

Chay felt comfortable underneath him, he felt safe he felt good, not great, only good. It took Chay about three seconds to realise that he could taste absolutely nothing. Not when kissing Kim, when Chay had kissed Kim it tasted different it didn't taste so bland it tasted good, really good, Chay didn't know what he tasted when kissing Kim, it's not something he can compare with anyting he tasted before but it's was good, delicious even.

Chay felt so weird by the way jaab is kissing him, it feels normal and it feels okay but it just doesn't feel right and for some reason all Chay can bare to think about while kissing Jaab is Kim.
Chay know this is not right and this is definately not fair to Jaab and as much as Chay want this to feel right it doesn't.

After a few more moments Chay pushes Jaab off of him making him stumble backwards a little. Jaab tries to catch his breath as a confuesed expression captures his face.

"Chay?" Jaab says worriedly sitting straight while pulling Chays face towards him.

Chay doesn't say anything and just looks at him.Chay doesn't even know what to say right now because he feels so dissapointed in himself.

"I'm sorry Chay I didn't mean-...well I did mean to kiss you I just didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, were you uncomfortable?"

"Why did you do that?"is all Chay says before looking anywhere except Jaab's eyes.

"Chay, I know this might sound weird, crazy even but I've had feelings for you since we met at that club and well I wanted to confess months ago but you were still hung up on Kim and I wanted to wait but I was just now cought up in the moment I didn't think...I'm sorry Chay I didn't want to kiss you...yet well I...I I like you and—"



"Jaab I wish it was you, really do but when you kissed me just now I didn't taste anyting nor did I feel anything more for you than I did an hour ago."—Chay looks back into Jaabs face as his tears start to creep onto his cheeks. —" Jaab I love you I really do but I'll never be inlove with you even if I try, its always going to be Kim that I love, so please don't waste your confession on me. I know there is someone out there who is more worthy of it than me."

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