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Porchay was on his way to help Kim make food when he saw Jaab standing in the lobby.

Jaab quickly made his way past Kim and Porche to Porchay embracing him in a tight hug. Porchay excitingly hugs him back just as tight as they both wiggle with joy which gave Kim a slight twitch in his eye.

"P'jaab what are you doing here?" Chay asks as he finally gets to look Jaab properly in the eyes.
"Yeez I sensed that you weren't paying attention to my my call but can you really not remember what I said on the phone last night? I told you I was coming today."

'Call? Oh shit yeah!' Chay thinks as the memories of his distraction from last night a.k.a Kim , which he wanted to forget, replayed back in his head. Chay feels so stupid right now because how could he completely forget that he had a call with his best friend last night. Jaab did say he was coming and Chay only now remembers him saying that. But either way he's here now and Chay can't be happier, he has so much to say to Jaab and catch up on, he also can't wait to introduce Jaab to Maccua, he just knows they will like eachother.

"Oh P'Jaab I do remember it just slipped my mind, how are you P'?"Chay asks excitingly as he hugs him again.

Jaab hugs him back but quickly let's go when he notices that Chay is struggling on one leg and has tiny scratches all over.

"I'm good Chay but your clearly not, what the hell happend?"
Jaab asks panicky as he starts to search Chay's body for more.
"Uh nothing P' I just got in a little trouble at my old home nothing serious." He tries to reasure his best friend. Chay never feels uncomfortable when Jaab touches him so he doesn't even flinch when he did now and this is making Kim even more worried as the thought of them maybe having something comes spooking back.

"Nothing serious?"Jaab asks defeated as he uncontiously looks back at Kim with a suspicious look while his hands rests on Chays waist.

'Why the fuck is he looking at me for? -Kim asks himself-' did Chay tell him about us, he probably thinks I fucking did that' Kim suddenly feels a bit of rage since everyone seems to think that he wants to hurt Chay but he knows he would never do that.

"He said he's fine." Kim almost spits, at this point he couldn't bare seeing Jaab touch Chay for a second more.

Jaab leaves Chay and looks into Kim's eyes again warningly but doesn't say anything.

Kim does the same and it's only Porche that seems to be sensing this tension between the two men.

Porche for a fact did realize Kim's interest in his brother since Chay got into the accident , his reaction was a little strange, he was crying and he remembers  Kinn saying that Kim is a very unhinged person even when his mother and father died he barely cracked. Honestly he doesn't think he minds this but something about it just doesn't sit right with him, he feels like there was or is something more going on between them, something that he's missing since Chay was not even questioning Kims presence around him all the time. Usually his brother doesn't warm up to someone so quickly.

"So Jaab! Chay told me you guys are in the same university, so when are you attending?" Porche asks trying to change the subject.

"Oh next week actually." Jaab awnsers focusing his attention from Kim to Chay's brother.

"Oh okay I didn't even know they allowed freshmen to start so late" Porche states seemingly.

"Actually I'm a senior P' so they didnt really mind but I don't think they would have allowed it if I were a freshman, the first year is usually very important." Jaab corrects porche.

'Senior? Same university? Kim could have sworn he never saw Jaab at that school before let alone did he know that they were both seniors, well what did he expect considering he never really attended uni till this year when Chay did and is also probably the only reason he does, but hell does Kim feel agitated with this information now, he already had to deal with his idiot cousin to get Chay's attention and now this guy?'

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