shattered glass

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It was a silent walk.
The walk wasn't awkward, it wasn't awkward at all. They both were just in their own heads  thinking, they were thinking about eachother..

Kim feels like he's on one of those sky bridges that has hundreds of meters of unprotected air under it, he knows that if he falls he will die yet the feeling, the thrill and rush of adrenaline he has from doing something so dangerous makes him feel amazing, he's  addicted just like what he's feeling with Chay. Something about this boy made him feel more alive that lost.
Kim honestly didn't think that he was going to be able to walk this freely next to Chay so quickly again.
In his mind he thought Chay hated him, he thought Chay wasn't going to let him speak to him for a long time, but he's still so thankfull that Chay has such a beautiful heart, its one of the things Kim loves most about Chay.

Kim is also not blind to the fact that he feels like Chay lost feelings for him, not the love he once said he had, Kim knows Chay still loves him ofcourse,but what Kim doesn't know is if Chay is still in love with him.
This terrifies Kim, Chay has built a wall around his heart and Kim realized it when Chay offered him to be friends so quickly, if he didn't Chay wouldn't do that because he would be scared of getting his heart stolen or broken again. However this will not stop Kim from getting him back.

Chay on the other hand felt proud, like really proud of himself, he felt like he handled it better then he thought he was going to and honestly Chay is very happy that Kim is still in his life, what Chay didn't expect was to completely forget what happend between them everytime he looks at Kim's face. Before he thought that he wasn't going to be able to avoid that elephant in the room but now that he's here it's feels like nothing even happend. Chay doesn't mind being around Kim now, he kind of likes it. Kim was once someone he enjoyed being around.

Before long they've reached the gate to Chays   home and Kim decides to break the ice first:

"Chay, thank you for letting me walk with you is it okay if I ask you for something?" Kim has had this question on his mind the whole time while they were walking.

"What is it?" Chay asks, curious to what Kim wants.

"Can you unblock me?"

Chay just looks at him as Kim continues:

"I.. I mean friends talk on phones don't they?"

Even though Chay was the one who suggested they be friends he can't help but admit that that word felt like a cut to his heart, it feels wrong but it also feels right.
This confuses Chay so much. But he doesn't let it show as he focuses back to Kim.

"P'Kim I unblocked you like 3 months ago..."

Kim feels so stupid :' what?  He unblocked me and I didn't even notice,'well i didn't really expect it so i didn't even bother checking. He feels so dissapointed in himself for not realizing but yet he also feels so happy that Chay unblocked him so long ago.

Chay continues to talk since Kim hasnt responded, yet he doesnt fail to notice the confusion on Kim's face-

- " I mean..I didn't feel like you needed to be blocked anymore since I didn't have anything against you anymore."


Wow that feels like a slap to Kim's face to be honest, if he calculated it right..then it only took Chay one month after he left to get over it, over him. Deep down Kim is hoping that Chay is referring to what happend and that he didn't get over Kim as a person so quickly.

-" Okay well"- he changes the subject-" I'll see you tommorow then Chay, have a good night."

"Okay, good night too you too P'Kim."

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