Chapter 7: The reek of alcohol

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A week has passed since that conversation.

I still hang out with my friends like usual.
Although i had to do loads of essays, projects and the like.
I sometimes do study groups with my friends despite being in different classes or sections.

It was kinda fun to be honest...

The day the banquet was held in the school.
In celebrating the 50th anniversary of the school, they celebrated inside the school banquet.

The banquet is an extremely huge room where there are tons of tables and chairs along with decorations decorated by the students and a huge red carpet where it makes a path to a huge chair which the principal will sit on, There is also a stage [Which the chair was placed] for the students to see.

The principal, Also named as; Lowen Auguste Limehart, the most powerful being in the school and was praised by many of the guilds and the people around the world.

Time passed by for a while..
And currently,
Me and my friends are getting dressed up at Lavyn's dorm.

Both jacob and Lavyn were still dressing up at that time

"Guys, where's my bowtie?" Jacob hurriedly asks.

"Try searching inside your bag!" Lavyn responds as he tries to put on his pants.

"When are you guys gonna finish dressing up?! you both are taking too long." Fynn shouts at them.

I was standing in the corner of the dressing room, already well-dressed inside lavyn's dorm while fynn was outside of it.

"You guys should hurry, the party is about to start.." I silently muttered.

It was almost 6 before the banquet started its announcement, so we had to hurriedly go there before it was 6.

Finally, they finished dressing up and went out of the dorm.

"Finally found my bowtie.." Jacob sighed in relief.

Lavyn: "We would've been at the party by now if only jacob didn't forget about hes bowtie inside the dorm."

Jacob: "I forgot Ok!? thus, you were putting your pants at that time... jeez..." He said as he groaned.

As we walked through the huge hallways and went inside the banquet, I was stunned by the beautiful decorations.

"Woah....." I mumbled.

The banquet had a nice atmosphere along with well-arranged tables and chairs, The decorations were beautiful and also well-arranged.
It's like the banquet itself turned into one of those banquets from kingdom times.

I looked around the banquet for a while, there were a lot of students. I could even see all of the characters from the novel here, especially the two protagonists that are gathered by a lot of girls.
The students were chatting around so loudly that i could hear them from a far away distance.

My friends and i walked around the banquet and chatted for some time.

Then suddenly, all of the lights were turned off! and only one was shown.

The student's noises instantly went quiet from the sudden lights-off.

The light that hasn't turned off yet, was lit directly on the huge chair, which hasn't been seated yet.

I looked around the banquet once more.
I could tell all of the students were quiet but at the same time, excited for the announcement, especially my friends.

Soon, the principal came,The lights moved directly at the principal, he walked through the door then to the red carpet, approaching the huge chair.

The principal sat on the huge chair, and finally made an announcement.

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