Chapter 26: 1 month and half left

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[ Expressionless Awakener ]

---!!CHANGE OF POV!!---

The moon shines brightly as the night hallows.

The alleyways of the city were quiet.

Each side of the building was narrow and the path was slow and empty.

It was quiet, that even footsteps were only heard in the distance.


Suddenly, A bell noise rang as the door creaked open.

It was a mysterious shop, A shop that is existent within the paths of the alleyways, Though, It only opens at night.

More footsteps were heard as it makes its way onto the front of a particular counter.

Besides a counter stood a mysterious person behind it, waving its hands as if it was greeting someone special.

"Ahh... Welcome back my dear customer!"

"Or should i say...."

"Alexander Grace."
The unknown person spoke enthusiastically.

Other than the shop owner, is a familiar figure standing in front of the counter... Namely, that familiar figure is actually... Kwan jihu.

"Well, What brings you here to my shop, hm?"
The shop owner spoke nonchalantly.

Kwan jihu began to move silently, taking something out of hes pocket.
He placed and slid the mysterious item onto the counter, giving the shop owner a slight startle.

The mysterious item was a red gemstone, covered in dark red stripes as the texture.
The size wasn't small but it wasn't too big either, A gemstone that could fit inside a pocket while its worth millions.

"I would like to trade this, So hurry it up. Esmaralda."
Kwan jihu spoke, Mentioning the shop owner's nickname coldly.

"Aww~! you don't have to call me by my nickname y,know!"
The shop owner, Esmaralda, Spoke with a smile.

She giggled as she moved around the gemstone with her finger.

"Sooo... what item around the shop would you like to-"
Before she could continue to speak, Kwan Jihu took the initiative to cut off her words.

"I would like an envelope of information about the group of the acrononym."
Kwan jihu spoke coldly and silently.

Esmaralda instantly went silent, losing her enthusiastic smile and only giving off an expression of seriousness, Given by the fact that hes asking information about an infamous group in exchange for a trade.

".....I think this trade is unfair."
Esmaralda spoke seriously.

Luckily, Kwan jihu prepared this in advance.
"I knew you would say that."

He immediately took the gemstone from the counter and smashed it with hes own bare hands.
The gemstone cracked into tiny little pieces.

Esmaralda was startled and surprised, But not just because she was surprised by that sudden smash, but was surprised by the gemstone instead.

"..THIS IS......"
Esmaralda muttered in shock.

"Yes, This gemstone isn't like any gemstone in the region, But a gemstone with a purple core inside it."
Kwan jihu spoke nonchalantly.

A gemstone that hides a purple core is one of the rarest items in the city, apparently one of the second rarest in the region.

That gemstone isn't something that could easily be found inside a dungeon, but any kind of monster inside the dungeon.

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