Chapter 14: Is this a kabedon!?

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[ Expressionless awakener ]

I was not prepared for this, i didn't even know the protagonist would make a situation like this!
Involving me!!

I was confused, The tip of my hair shakingly moved to a confused and feared state.

'Is this a dream!? Or a nightmare!?' I thought as i stared at the protagonist confusingly and scaredly.

I looked at the protagonist as he stood by the door.

I didn't even believe my own eyes, i blinked twice and it was real! For me to see the main protagonist this close was a first!

But as i stared at the main protagonist's eyes further and further.
The room was instantly filled with awkwardness as we stared into each other's eyes.

Hes eyes were shining with coldness and darkness, and hes expression was really aggressive.
There is also a hint of suspicion as i stared at him more and more.

I could tell that i was some culprit to hes suspicion..

the main protagonist finally took hes first move.

He immediately took both of my wrists and pinned me agains't the wall.

'ACK!' I muttered silently as i touched the cold concrete.

I was confused and petrified and hes arms were as strong as a bull.

"H-hey..hey... we can talk about this...I-i don't know what i had d-done...but... p-please..let go of my hands..." I spoke as i stuttered each word i said, Obviously scared.. in an expressionless and shaky way.

Finally, he spoke;
"Who are you?" He asked in a low tone.

I shrieked, the tip of my hair moved and simbolized a stunned and yet frightening shake.

the protagonist moved hes face a bit closer.

"How did you know my name?" He asked again in a lower and colder manner.

"Will...e-everyone of the students knows your" I replied stutteringly.

Suddenly, A blue screen appeared at the right side of my shoulder.

[ I'm really sorry!! I tried to stop him but... (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠) ]
The system wasn't able to finish its sentence as it replied.

I stared at the system and then down to both my feet.

the protagonist muttered in a darker tone;

I felt my inner self shriek in fear as i heard what he said... but at the same time.. confused.

The tip of my hair moved to resemble a confused mark as i tilted my head.

"" I spoke confusingly.

"Don't lie to me." He spoke coldly.

My head was spinning and felt like something was missing.
Then..a strike hit me.


'But wait..How did he know that i know hes real name!?' I thought as i confused myself even more.

"Tell me... HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME?" he spoke in a much colder and darker tone as he stared at me with hes shining yet cold-like eyes.

My eyes widened a bit as i felt sweat dripping from the top of my head.

As i tried to escape from hes grip, He tightly gripped my wrist tighter so i could not escape.

"There is no use escaping from me.. nor there is to lie to me to escape.." He spoke as he moved hes face closer.

Expressionless AwakenerWhere stories live. Discover now