Chapter 24: A Kabedon again!!!??

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[ Expressionless Awakener ]

I looked at the character for a while, trying to figure out if she really is the supporting character i knew.

She coughed lightly and spoke expressionlessly.
"I'm sorry to ask this late but, did you get hurt?"

I immediately shook my head after she spoke.
"You were able to catch me on time, so i didn't get hurt."
I spoke, also in an expressionless manner.

I bowed again, thanking her for saving me from the trip.

She began to stare at me for a while.

"Do you...usually bow everytime you get saved or given?"
She asked in an embarrassed manner.

"Well... I guess you could say that..."
I spoke as i moved my head down and scratched my patch of hair.

"Oh well, then."
She spoke as she nodded her head.

Suddenly, Silence formed for a while, Making the atmosphere a bit awkward.

'My fate.... has been getting a little crazy these past few days...'
I thought as the ahoge of my head shaken in awkwardness while my soul panicked in awkwardness aswell.

"You must be... johnson kim from the rumours right?"
She asked as she tilted her head in curiosity.

I blinked once and spoke;

"Well... I have also seen you with Alexander Grace, Are you close with him?"
She spoke, mentioning kwan jihu's Fake/Current name.

"Well... I don't know"
I Shrugged as i spoke.

"Then... Can you help me?"
Lovania spoke with her eyes glimming.

I mumbled in confusion.

"I... have a crush on Alexander Grace...."
She scratched her face a bit as she muttered silently for me to hear.

I thought.

"You... want me to be your wingman..?"
I asked in a mutter.

"Well... yes."
She nodded as she mumbled.

Suddenly, The red system appeared in front of me, Startling me a little bit.

[ Oohh~~ 😯🤭 ]
[ In the novel, Lovania dove had a crush on Alexander Grace, right? But sadly she lost that feeling after she knew Alex fell in love with someone else... 🤭 ]

'Wait, for real?? That actually happened? How come i didn't know about that???'
I thought, Stunned from a new discovery.

[ You probably forgot about it since your the type to forget things so easily even a goldfish's memory is better than you. 😒 ] The system replied to me.

'Ouch that hurts.'
I thought as i felt the pain inside of my heart.

Suddenly, Lovania dove waved in front of my face for a few seconds.
She spoke quietly.

I immediately got out of my blankness and shook my head again.

"Oh- Uh.."
I mumbled.

"It's ok if you don't want to help me tho... I mean it's really sudden so-..."
She began to feel a bit embarassed as she spoke.

Lovania dove is a character known for her shyness.
Although she is mostly expressionless,(But not always) she is the type to get embarrassed quite easily and gets shy everytime someone talks to her.
To be honest, It's the first time she confronted someone, and that someone is apparently me.
Unlike an always-expressionless me who doesn't get shy but a replacement for my cluelessness, This girl is really kind despite her description.

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