Chapter 12: An unexpected occurance

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[ Expressionless Awakener ]

The battle was intense.

Kwan jihu took the arrows and threw it at the monster with amazing impact.

The monster screeched from the pain and lots of holes have formed from the impact of each arrow.

As kwan jihu took the last arrow, the monster suddenly used an ability to heal each hole from the arrow.

'What!?' Jihu thought as the monster healed each hole using purple liquid.

"Alex... I think that monster is healing itself." Micheal spoke to jihu with concern.

'The entity is trying to heal the holes all at once! Thats why it has been letting itself get damaged from the arrows.'

'But it seems like it wasn't mentioned in the novel.' Jihu thought as he observed the monster.

Suddenly, the sub-system appeared.

[ because its a monster that barely has any reading time! hehe ] The system texted.

'Shut it.' Jihu glared at the system.

Suddenly, the monster's ability began to activate, the liquid on the floor suddenly moved and formed different monsters.. just like the ones jihu defeated.

The monster screeched once more.


The monster took its first attack, it swung a pile of purple acid at micheal and jihu but they were able to avoid it.

"What should we do about this, alex!?" Micheal shouted at jihu.

Jihu is calm and nonchalant, so he already got used to the situation before the monster battled.

As jihu was trying to think, he suddenly got a conclusion.

But before he could use that conclusion, the monster made a sword using purple liquid and swung at jihu.

Jihu blocked the attack.

'The enlightenment of heaven from inside of that monster's core can easily break if I took the initiative to attack it, based on my previous battles of other monsters.'
Jihu thought as he avoided and blocked each attack from the monster.

'I don't think it's prone to my necromancer abilities as well.'

'Then that means...i need to find what it was healing it.'
Jihu thought as he took the initiative to use hes ability.

Jihu already had an idea in mind.

'Death Grab.'

Bone-like hands formed from the ground and took the monsters feet. making the monster tremble into the ground.

Unfortunately, the monster strengthen itself and destroyed each bone that grabbed its feet.

"Micheal! Throw as many light arrows as possible!" He shouted at micheal.

Micheal was still avoiding the monsters attack but was able to hear jihu's order.

Micheal nodded as he used his weapon and ability.

Micheal made its attack on the monster.

Once again, the monster screeched from the pain and tried to heal itself.

But as micheal continued to attack, jihu jumped looked around the monster.


Jihu took a step back and grabbed each one of micheals arrows and shot each at the monster.

Expressionless AwakenerWhere stories live. Discover now