Chapter 9: The Hospital Entrance

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[ Expressionless Awakener ]

I felt something soft. It was warm like cotton and moved like sheets.

I slowly opened my eyes,
Only to see that I'm in a hospital bed.

I stood up a bit and moved myself in a proper position, but only felt slightest back pain from the sudden movement.

'Im in a hospital..?' I thought.

At that time from the banquet, i thought i was going to die from exhaustion.

' alive...' I thought as I touched parts of my body.

I sighed of relief.

Suddenly, A bang came through the door.


"KIMM!!!!!!" my brother was in shackles, knowing hes step-brother was at the hospital, he quickly banged the door to go inside.

They must've known that i was awake.

I jumped from the sudden bang, The tip of my hair moves to resemble a shock.

"KIMM...." my brother was in tears.

Following along with my brother, My parents and my sister bolted inside the hospital door.

My parents were in shock and were worried.

My sister tried to calm down both my parents and my brother saying that i'll be fine.

"Jeez.. you don't have to be so dramatic, Kim isn't going to die. Didn't the doctor said he only had a few scratches and a few wounds?"
My sister makes an expression as he calms down Michael. [My Step-brother.]

"I was so worried.. Why didn't you leave right after the incident!?" My mom shouted at me as she made a worried face.

"Calm down hon, It wasn't Kim's intention to stay inside the banquet right after the incident." My dad spoke as he calmed down my mom.

Yeah, It wasn't really my intention to stay inside that banquet right after that monster incident. I was too drunk and tired to understand anything during that event.

I looked around the room for a while.

My throat was healed from the doctor's awakened abilities while i was passed out. Along with stitches to cover the wounds on my body.

I didn't even know i had scratches and wounds, nor do i remember having them during the incident.

Maybe, i was too drunk and frightened to feel any pain at that point.

The nurse slowly approached inside the room holding a checklist.

"Hello! My name is nurse Lynn."
The nurse greeted my family.

"I will be checking your son for a while, so if possible, will you all please wait outside the room?" The nurse asked as she took her gloves and put them on.

My family walked out of the room and waited for me outside.

I was a bit confused and at the same time, felt a bit guilty.

The nurse put her hand on my chest and a sudden glow shined through her palms.

'Oh...' I was amazed by the sudden talent.

After the nurse checked on me for a while, She spoke.

"You seem to be fine, Your wounds have healed a bit and the scratches are now gone." She spoke as she took off her gloves away.

"How long have I passed out?" I asked the nurse with my head tilted.

"Oh.. will i could say.. 3 days." She spoke in a stuttering manner.

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