Chapter 21: A new companion...?

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[ Expressionless Awakener ]

I began to blink, thrice actually.

[ Surprised??? loll  ]
The red system replied.


Confusion was filled within me.. but I shook my head and pretended that it was a hallucination.

'I don't have time for this.'
I groaned and slapped my face onto the pillow and began to sleep as i closed my eyes.

The red system replied in caps.

I continued to close my eyes, and snucked myself into a warm blanket.

[ Hey!! ]

[ HEY! ]



The system continued to pester me, not being able to get a wink of sleep.

I tried closing my eyes hard, moving my pillow and covering my face so i won't get annoyed by the brightness.

'Go away...' I thought, begging to the system to let me sleep.

[ NAH-AH-AH! I haven't even introduced myself yet! 😠  ]
The red system replied with an actual emoji.

'Then do it tomorrow......' I thought, sneaking my eyes to read the system's texts.

[ No! You expect me to wait tomorrow??? Nah-ah! Now is an absolute now!! 😒 ]

I yawned tirelessly as i rubbed my eyes.

'I just fought a huge ant just a few hours ago... please i want to go to sleep....'
I groaned.

[ ''Pleaseeeee.....'' Nope! I just wanted to show off my slayness to you as an companion 😘💅 ] The system replied, brightening its screen more.

I opened my eyes slightly, and cringed as i read the texts.

I thought as i sighed in exhaustion.

I fixed my posture and sat on my bed as i yawned once again.

I sighed.
'Alright, who are you exactly?'
'I thought there would be one system isn't it?'
I thought expressionlessly.

[ Aww... do you not remember?? ]

'Remember what..?'

[ Hmhp!.. It's just like [Blue] Said! You really are forgetful! 😙🥴 ]


[ [Blue] The blue system! ]

I began to ponder, trying to remember what the system meant.

[ ...y,know..... what that handsome guy said..? ]

'Oh yeah!'
I thought as the ahoge of my hair straightened.

[ Now you remember! ]

I began to look and stare at the system closely, facing the [Red] System expressionlessly.

[ Aww... why are you looking at me with that face?? Ughhh  Stopp!!! 🤭🫣🥴 ] The system replied with 3 emojies.

'The fu- never mind...'
I thought as i stared at the system expressionlessly, with a little hint of 'Cringe' and 'disgust'.

Expressionless AwakenerWhere stories live. Discover now