Chapter 13: Healing and Hurting

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Cayden was more than a little annoyed at Ron and Harry. He genuinely considered harry a friend but after last night he had to rethink their friendship. He spent most of the day with draco which earned him more glares from the two boys. By the time dinner had rolled around he and draco had actually had a good day, classes were tolerable and they got to talk way more than usual. At dinner McGonnagal had an announcement, the mandrakes were almost ready and soon everyone would be back, finally they could get to the bottom of it. He was sure hermione knew and made a mental note to annoy her for not telling him before she got petrified. Ron and harry looked happy at the news, the whole slytherin table didnt seem to care much except for the few first years who had friends in other houses. The next day was more of the same, everyone's spirits were up. Honestly it was a little tiresome for Cayden. A part of him was disappointed at the news, he knew Hermonie had the paper on her if he could just get to her, then it hit him he could go visit her. He snuck down to the hospital wing only to run into Harry and Ron.

"What are you doing down here?" Ron asked.

"I was going to visit hermione if I could just find the paper, I'm sure she has it. Plus wouldn't it be nice if she could wake up and this would all be over?" Cayden says, his voice convincing enough for harry and Ron to agree. Harry knocks on the door and much to Caydens surprise madame pomfrey lets them in. Cayden lets harry and Ron talk to hermonie first, he then checks all her pockets and nothing.

"Told you, she doesn't have anything." Ron says. Cayden examines the body, her left hand holding a mirror, but her right.

"Wait I think I see something." Harry says before Cayden gets a chance. He grabs the paper and unfolds it. Suddenly everything makes sense.

"How could a giant snake be getting around?" Ron brings up.

"It could be going through the pipes. That's why I was hearing voices because I can speak parseltongue." Harry says definitively.

"Myrtles bathroom of course it all makes sense if it came up through the pipes she never would have seen it coming." Cayden says. "We have to tell McGonagall." The trio head down to the staff room before McGonnagal makes it there, they pace around anxiously until they hear an announcement sending all students to their room and all staff to the staff room. The trio look at one another.

"Should we wait here for them or go back to our dorms?" Ron asks

"We should hear what this is about, it might have been another attack." Harry says.

"they'll never let us stay we should hide in the closet." Cayden says pointing to a closet near by. The three boys hide in the closet keeping it just wide enough that they can see people but people can't see them. They all talk and since cayden was closets to the door he can hear every detail, he listens as they say 'her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever.' He starts to get anxious but when he hears Ginny's name he snaps. Harry had been holding Ron but no one was there to hold Cayden back.

"YOU'RE JUST GOING TO LET HER DIE?" Cayden comes out yelling, Ron and harry still hidden from view.

"How much of that did you hear?" McGonnagal says her voice trying to be soft and soothing but its no use.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS, YOU LET AN INNOCENT MAN BE ARRESTED, YOU LET THE ONLY PERSON WHO COULD HAVE STOPPED THIS LEAVE AND NOW YOU ARE ALL GOING TO SIT BACK AND DO NOTHING WHILE SHE IS SUFFERING." Tears stream down his face his emotions and rage taking over every part and he can feel it affecting other but he doesn't care.

"Mr.Prewett this is none of your business, I dont know why you are here or why you have interrupted this meeting but you will be getting a letter home-" Professor Snape starts but Cayden is quick.

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