Chapter 6: Curiosity and Close Calls

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Cayden walks nervously behind professor Dumbledore into his office. He knows he was on thin ice and this might have just broken it.

"Well I see you have been visiting the Griffyndore common rooms after hours." The professor says as he gestures to Cayden to sit down.

"My apologies sir." Cayden says sitting down at the desk.

"No justification," He questions as Cayden stays silent. "No blaming anyone else?" He asks again.

"No sir, I was out after hours and broke into the Griffyndor common room." Cayden states with a blank expression, if he was going to go down he wouldn't take anyone with him.

"Hm." Dumbledore huffs. "Well that is very loyal of you but I do know what happened, you were a good friend and showed courage so I believe that counteracts any points you may have lost from being out of bed. However if you believe this is me being naive you are sorely mistaken, I see everything and that is the only reason I am letting you off the hook. Now off to bed and if you leave your dormitories once more tonight I will not be so forgiving." Dumbledore says with a terrifying glare on his face.

"Yes sir." Cayden says getting up and walking out of there trying to keep up appearances. Once he leaves he sighs in relief tonight was way too much and he just needed whatever sleep was left for this night.

Cayden wakes up the next morning and goes down to the dining hall hoping to find Harry and he did. Harry was happily laughing away with Ron. Seeing the two of them together made Caydens blood boil. How come Ron gets to live that life its not fair. He decides its best he keeps his distance. He will visit the mirror once more tonight but first he needs a quick trip to the library.

Harry was planning to make the same trip that night and he was telling Ron all about it.

"Come tonight with me, I'm going back." Harry said to Ron while he was sitting on his bed in their dorm. Everyone else was on holiday so they didn't have any worries of anyone interrupting them.

"Well I would like to see your family." Ron said standing next to him fiddling with his wand.

"And I could see yours. I could meet your brothers and you could see your sister, maybe even talk to her?" Harry questioned. He knew talking about Roslin was a sore subject for ron. Harry briefly saw the girl when they had helped him get to the train but she walked off before anyone could talk to her and no one has heard anything since. Ron talked about her often but none of the teachers even seem to think she was missing, her name has never been called in any classes and aside from the weasley family its like everyone forgot that Ron had a twin. Ron told Harry that he got one letter from his mum saying she has decided to leave the family and one from ginny saying she heard mum send a howler but he misses her still.

"I will come, maybe if I can talk to her, that will help. She is like hermonie, smart, she could catch up." He said. And with that it was decided they would leave that night.

Harry and Ron made their way under the invisibility cloak. Cayden made his way by sneaking around and avoiding finch. Cayden made it their first. The mirror was in the same place. He read the inscription on it now knowing what it says.

"My heart's desire huh, I think I already know." He says to the mirror trying his best not to look. Unfortunately for him curiosity takes over. He was right in the mirror he saw his home and him, no potion, his red curls bouncing just above his shoulders as he walked in and his mum hugs him while his dad says 'welcome home son, we missed you.' He looks away from the mirror trying to to cry. He hears the doors open and watches as Harry drops his cloak and runs towards the mirror. They didn't see him so he sneaked out the door. He can't do it, not tonight. He decided he would confront Harry about it the next night.

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