Chapter 12 Sneaking and Spiders

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"No" Madame pomfrey says as the three boys try to visit hermonie. "With the influx of attacks we arent taking any chances we are closing visitation. Now if you dont have class students are required to go to their houses dorms."

"We really need to see her its a matter of life and death." Ron says.

"Please we think she has the answers to what's going on." Harry chimes in.

"My decision is final, please stay safe and go to your dorms." Madame pomfrey tells them closing the door on the boys.

"I should head to my dorms or draco will wonder where I am."Cayden says turning to leave. He thinks over everything that has happened, honestly Mcgonnagal was probably a better headmaster than dumbledore at least she is upfront. Unfortunately besides vague hints at spiders and dumbledores empty promise, without hermione's paper there isn't much they can do. Cayden heads to the dorms and draco is there waiting.

"My father was at school." Draco says as he turns to look at Cayden. Cayden takes a seat next to him on the bed.

"Oh?" He says trying to hide his guilt. He knew Mr. Malfoy was here and he didnt say anything.

"I saw him, he didnt tell me he was coming and when he got here he couldn't even stop to say hi." Draco starts, "I mean I'm his son I confronted him when he was leaving and do you know what he said, he said 'oh im sure your doing great' I mean he didnt even ask me how I have been. I said 'hey father what's going on' and that's how he responded. He doesn't listen to me, i can never make him proud i did everything right im doing well in all my classes I'm on the quidditch team it's not my fault that games got canceled." Draco looks over too Cayden who hasn't said anything, "I'm sorry, I forgot." Draco starts.

"No no its not that, your father has been so kind to me but I have seen how he treats you and how he treats others, you know you don't have to be the perfect son." Cayden says, those words triggered something in draco, he snapped.

"BUT I DO, You can't possibly get it because you don't have a family but some of us have responsibilities, some of us can't just go around doing whatever we want to getting fun summer jobs and hanging out with Gryffindor, yeah I know you were hanging out with Harry, do yourself a favour and if you like gryffindor so much go join them." He storms off out of the room and Cayden is left there blood boiling, he can't even tell if its his emotions or malfoys. He decides its best to let him cool off so he just heads up to the library to catch up on work.

At the library Cayden attempts to find the book hermonie had ripped, he looks up and down the isle looking for the distinct red cover but its nowhere, he checks stacks, other isles, even the books people are reading but nothing. The book was gone, along with it his last plan. All he can do now is be a regular student. He spends the next few days studying. It's incredibly awkward to go to his dorms so he attempts to stay out of them. Still every night he checks the map, hoping for something but harry and Ron never break routine, until they did.

He had taken up feeding fang at night, the dog was a loyal companion all he wanted was to look for hagrid. He wishes that he could have someone like fang, he will definitely try to visit more once this is all over. He grabs his map out of his back pocket to make sure the coast is clear only to find Ron and Harry walking up to the hut. He grabs fangs treats and calls him out and they meet Ron and Harry half way.

"What are you guys doing out so late?" Cayden asks. Ron and harry remove the invisibility cloak from their heads.

"We were going to find out what happened to hermione, follow the spiders remember what are you doing here." Ron says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Cayden didn't remember, he hadn't been listening with Mr. Malfoy there.

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