Chapter 8: Triumphs and Treatments

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The next morning quidditch is all anyone can talk about. Malfoy wakes Cayden up the second he can. Malfoy is practically jumping off the walls with his excitement. Even if Malfoy is only doing this to spite Potter it's still nice to see him this happy. The match was hours away but all of Slytherin was buzzing about beating Gryffindor. The team all had breakfast together and Draco dragged Cayden along. Flint gave a whole speech about how great it will be with their fancy new brooms and how this was their year. To top it all off Flint kept referring to Cayden as their little cheerleader which annoyed Cayden to no end. By the time breakfast was over it was nine which meant an hour before he went to meet McGonagall about being the new announcer. He didn't even know what to do with his spare time. All he knew is that he needed an excuse to get away from flint. Flint kept ruffling through Caydens hair and gave stupid remarks like "Make sure to sing our praises during the game" or "don't worry I'm sure being a cheerleader isn't nearly as hard as actually playing." He was tired of it. He always knew flint was an annoying jerk just never how much of an annoying jerk. He decided to go to the library and try to complete more of the map. To his surprise once he got there he found Fred and George sitting in two of the seats.

"I'm telling you man if we can pull this off we would be the best prank era in history, we would go down as legends." He heard Fred say, he could always tell the two apart their voices were slightly different not enough for most people but enough for Cayden.

"What mischief are you guys planning now?" Cayden said standing over the two with his arms crossed.

"Why who says we are planning mischief?" George starts.

"We are simply trying to get a head start on our homework." Fred finishes his brother's sentence. Cayden gives them a look of "I don't believe you" before George starts talking again.

"Speaking of mischief, how's it going?" George starts.

"Do you have it with you, can we see?" Fred asks, looking around to see where Cayden could have it.

"Well yes actually I am finished with the first floor, I'm halfway done with the second and I have a few successful charms, but I haven't quite yet found all of them or the correct combination. I can see why it took four students to make the first one. Speaking of, do you have any idea of who these marauders are?" Cayden says taking a seat with the twins.

"Well not quite see we know of them," George starts.

"We have found out that they have done a lot of legendary pranks." Fred continues.

"And that they must have started here from before 85' they stopped giving first years maps after that and this might have been a school map originally." George says.

"Also we found out a few more secrets that we will have to show you later and one we can tell you about." Fred says looking to George as they nod together. George takes out the map, completely blank.

"Show yourself." George says, tapping his wand against the blank parchment.

"Nothing happens, it's still blank." Cayden remarks.

"Be patient, young troublemaker." Fred says as he raises his wand. "I command you to reveal yourself." The map starts to write on itself.

"Ha good luck -Mr. Moony"

"Better luck next time. -Mr. Prongs"

"Really, do you think we are that stupid. - Mr. Padfoot"

"I don't think this was really your best attempt. -Mr. Wormtail" Cayden looks at the map shocked.

"It also insults people it doesn't like." Fred says he and George snickering about what they had discovered.

"I'm not sure I want to know, either way this was very helpful. Now I know a lot more, I think I should be able to get the map done by the new year. Thanks boys." Cayden says, grabbing his map and walking away.

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