Chapter 7: Calm and Curiosities

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The morning after the incident Cayden gets called into Snape's office. Cayden walks into the office where Snape gestures for him to sit down.

"I assume you know why you are here." Snape says standing up from behind his desk.

"Is this about last night?" Cayden questions.

"Do you really expect me to believe that story you gave, even if you did manage to go to the death day party, how does any of the rest of your story make sense?" Snape sneers. "I have been a good headmaster. I have even helped you. Now it's time you help me, so tell me what really happened."

"Fine you want to know what really happened." Cayden asks, looking at Snape's eyes widen. "Then I will tell you. The truth is I did go to the party I am friends with myrtle because she hears everything, if you want any information about anything that goes on she hears all the gossip because no one pays attention and everyone gossips in bathrooms, as for what happened that night Granger was being a bully acting as if she is so high and mighty just because she can read that she started to make fun of Myrtle. Of Course Myrtle got upset, peeves made it worse and the boys stood around like baffled idiots. Then I went to comfort Myrtle and on my way back down I saw the water, went to investigate and saw the cat and the writing but I have no idea who did it and Potter and his friends didn't arrive until a few minutes later." Cayden says, raising his voice and standing up.

" So you just so happend to see the water, really?" Snape says, not believing him.

"What reason could I possibly have to lie, unless you believe I did it." Cayden says with emphasis on the "I".

"Alright Mr. Prewett just take this and leave." Snape says handing him his potion and guesting for Cayden to leave. Cayden knew Snape didn't believe him but they both knew Cayden wasn't gonna spill. If nothing else slytherin arent snitches.

Cayden heads back to his dorm, he knows while he was looking into the school he saw something about the chamber of secrets he just couldn't remember where. If he found it it would definitely go on his map. He spent most of his free time on the map hoping he can find the chamber of secrets referenced in one of the books. He mostly finds vague myths and led genes but nothing goes into great detail about why only the heir can open it. Cayden made his theories, one was that once you find an entrance you need a drop of the heir's blood but if that were true anyone could just hunt them down and collect a drop of their blood, another was it was a secret incantation or heirloom opened it. Whatever the reason was of no use unless he could find the entrance. He thinks back to the snake in the mirror, maybe the heir was an animagus and only a snake could get in. That was cayden's leading theory that all slytherin heir were snake animagi and could get in because of that. He knew the school had many hidden secrets and he wanted, no, needed to find them.

It wasn't long after the incident that rumours started about Harry being the heir of slytherin. Of course most slytherin thought that was absolute rubbish but the occasional first year would start a rant on how it must be Harry. Some students even questioned Cayden about it. Some thought that he and harry were close so he must have let harry into the slytherin dorm to open the chamber. Most of the theories students were coming up with were laughable, like did they honestly believe that Salazar Slytherin would be dumb enough to hide his secret chamber in his own house's dorms. That would literally be the first place people would look. A few slytherin first years came up to him and asked if he was the heir, it was only two or three students but Cayden made sure to shut it down. It was however getting annoying about how the entire school believed Harry Potter must be the great genius behind the chamber. It was a stupid accusation. He was heading to the great hall when he heard Hermonie talking, she said something along the lines of since dumbledore couldn't cure Ms Norris her attacker must not have been human. The trio looked towards each other and started heading away from the hall. Ofcourse Ron walking away from food peaked Cayden's interest so he followed them until they reached the hall where it happened. They were looking around since finch was gone. The three were huddled around a window talking about spiders when Cayden spoke up.

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