Chapter 11: Diaries and Doom

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For the next few week's Cayden had spent most of his time with Myrtle. He would check on the trio through his mirror but whenever he attempted to approach Harry, he would turn away. Malfoy had noticed his distance and tried to reach out to Cayden but it was no use. Weeks passed and it was more of the same. Cayden would try to talk with Harry, Harry would walk away. He even tried Ron but he glared at Cayden then walked away. Myrtle had also gone back to being sad as the joy from Hermonie was quickly squandered after the ghost girl heard some students laughing about her choosing to spend all her time in a bathroom. One day Cayden attempted to go to myrtle's bathroom but Filtch was standing outside mopping up a flood of water. Cayden immediately got worried, it had been months since she had flooded the bathroom and usually that mean something bad had happened after all last time she flooded it Ms.Norris turned up petrified. He carefully sneaks in the room and calls out for myrtle.

"Why are you here, it's bad enough people have been throwing things at me now you're here to mope." She says tears still streaming down her transparent cheeks.

"What no, what was thrown at you?" Cayden asks but myrtle just points at a stall. He walks in and looks around. He notices a diary on the floor. He grabs his gloves and ready his wand. Just as he is about to pick it up he hears the door open and hears a familiar voice.

"Hey, Myrtle?" Harry says.

"Who's there, what have you come to throw something else at me?" Myrtle sobs. He asks the same question and myrtle points to Cayden who had just come out holding the diary.

"Of course it would be you, what got tired of torturing muggle born you have to bother the dead as well?" Ron snaps.

"What are you talking about, I was just trying to figure out why myrtle was upset, unlike you I actually care when my friends are hurt." Cayden snaps back. Myrtle gives a small smile at being called a friend and Harry just stands there.

"Well why would you just hold it, you should know better than to just pick up a magical item, I thought you would be smarter than that." Ron says making sure to exaggerate just how stupid Cayden was.

"I have gloves on, idiot." Cayden says pointing to his black winter gloves he had fished out of his pocket.

"Well what is it?" Harry says, taking the book from Caydens hand and opening up a page. Cayden and Ron both flinched back expecting something to happen but nothing did. Harry just looks at the smudged ink on the page.

"Hang on." Ron says cautiously approaching the book. "I know that name, T.M. Riddle, Finch made me polish his shield for special services to the school from fifty years ago at least a dozen times."

"Wait fifty years ago, isn't that when the chamber of secrets was opened last?" Cayden asks.

"Well of course you would know that." Ron says glaring.

"Oh come on are you still on about that. I'm not the heir, I didn't do anything." He says.

"Really, because I think it's awfully convenient that whenever we find out more about this you are always there yet you are never much help." Ron says.

"Well you're there to and I don't see you being of much help, though I guess you can only do so much with a broken wand and half a brain, mummy send yours back yet or is she waiting for you to learn something first?" Cayden says his face red with anger.

"This is not helpful you two." Harry says. "Look we have to go and check on Hermonie stay here for all I care." Harry says pocketing the journal. The two boys walk away leaving Cayden and myrtle alone.

"I should probably get back to my dorms. I'm sorry about all this." Cayden says gesturing to the flooded waters before he turns to walk out. He waits for a minute, he watches as Ron leaves, he watches as Ron runs to catch up to harry, how he apologised and they are magically fine. He turns away as they turn the corner and he finds his way to the awards hall.

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