Grace Moon (Project Vanguardians Variant)

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Accidentally made the bio a little TOO LONG for this.

(That's what she said!)

(Shut up, Deadpool -__-)

And I think I made it in different points of views by accident.

Also, some mature themes will be in the bio. Just letting you know.

And before I forget.

Friendly reminder that this is FICTION.

What I write on this site doesn't necessarily mean I support everything that I write here in real life. 

I don't support those underage teen/adult relationship taboos in real life.

If they are both legally adults in the eyes of the law even with a whatever age gap, then okay. They do them. They're adults, there's nothing I or anyone can do or say really.

With that out of the way, on with the bio!

With that out of the way, on with the bio!

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Grace Moon

Gender: Female

Hair color: Brownish-red

Eye color: Gold

Species: Human

Race: White/Hispanic

Skin color: Light tan

Personality: She is a calm, kind individual. But make her your enemy and you can kiss your ass goodbye.

Power: The Force.

Her weapons

Her weapons

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