Grace Moon (Two Headed Shark Variant)

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(This one is going to be weird. Just a heads up, there is some dark/mature themes here due to the primitive thinking of the love interest and his animalistic behavior)

(Yeah...this one is a weird one. But the damn thing wouldn't get out of my head. So, sorry in advance)

 So, sorry in advance)

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Grace Moon

Hair Color: Brown hair

Eye Color: Gold

Species: Human/Mermaid

(Explained in the bio)

Race: White/Hispanic

Skin Color: Tan

Personality: Kind, calm, caring to others, but closed from assholes and the like. Is submissive only to her lover.

Powers: High speed regeneration: Can heal and regenerate her body like in mere seconds depending on the damage. And can use her power to heal others.

Pain to pleasure(?) (couldn't think of a good name for this): Pain turns into pleasure, whatever pain she feels is like an arousal. But this ability was inactive until she meets a certain someone.

Mermaid: When she is in the ocean she can transform into a mermaid at will. And even if she doesn't transform, she can still breath underwater. Won't be active until she meets a certain someone.

Likes: The sea, swimming, beaches, her friends, family, gaming, and watching superhero shows, going to the park, roller-skating.

Dislikes: Union, Vought, a good portion of the Supernatural, fakes, Issei Hyoudou, Mineta Minoru, Bakugou, corruption, SDC Team RWBY and the like.

Love interest: Zidon.


Like in most worlds involving Union and heroes, Grace was born with a healing power. One that was incredibly strong and powerful as she could heal from any fatal injuries.

Unlike many children aspiring to be heroes, she rejected that idea.

Why would you risk your life for people that will one day love you, the next day despise you?

She didn't care if people said she was being selfish in not using her power to help others. It was her power and she can do with it as she wishes too.

She originally went to Union Academy to further her education but they kept trying to send to any Hero type classes. Saying that is where she is supposed to be even though she had put on there that she is only interested in the general education classes. AKA classes that had nothing to do with being a hero.

She is well developed and so had to constantly reject a certain wannabe Harem King advances, even sending him to the school infirmary. Where he had to recover naturally because Recovery Girl was not going near him.

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