Chapter 10

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People remark that everyone should go through the five stages of grief quickly.

It'll take me nearly a century to make it to depression. Let alone acceptance.

The email is bargaining. I think I've always known that.

Tipping over the pot. Trying to bide my time.

Until it spills and burns the ground.

Sam knew that. I knew that.

It's just a cycle of the five stages of grief.



I understand her. I think I do.

She cries when she's angry.

She laughs when she's sad.

She's like me.

Floating in water.


The stupid things that kids do.

4:53 pm.

That was so stupid.

So stupid.

Jumping. Falling. Drowning. Lights blared above but our eyes nearly closed.



I'm a mess staring at the one email she sent to me. I'm thinking, what if we're still okay?

What if we're still us?

I'm thinking, what if she thinks we're not okay?

What if we're gone? Dust?

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