Chapter 17

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My stomach is churning bile.


Like one event could stir it too much and it'll come spilling up my throat.

Cole is unusually quiet today.

He doesn't wait around my locker.

I don't see him at all.

It bothers me.

Sam is quiet too.

He's been quiet for the past few days.


The bell rings and my stomach threatens to send an unwelcome present out my mouth.

One more block.

Closure, it's what I wanted, right?

Why does it feel so bad to suck it up then?


Times up.

The bell rings.

I stumble out of my chair on shaky legs.

Students pass by me in a blur.

Crowds are pushing against me.

I don't mind.

I can just stand here, by my locker.

I can bail.

I don't have to do this.

But I want closure, right?

We need to talk.

I walk forward.

Out the door.

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