Chapter 14

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We agree to meet at our spot on Friday. I'd like to think that's not just the day after I meet up with Cole. I'd like to think that I am not scheduling them one after the other. I'd like to think I'm not that bad.

I'm that bad. I'm scheduling them like they don't mean something to me.

Cole is someone that I'd want to be with. He makes me happy when I don't know how to do it myself. He laughs and jokes when he knows that I can't.

Sam is someone I never got to be with. I wish that I would have that chance, but I know that ship has sailed. This is the second chance.

I'm running late for school. I can hear the bell chiming from over a block away. My feet are killing me. My bag is slumping over my back as if it's already given up.

I'm glancing at my phone anxiously. 9:00 am. 9:01 am.

I make it there by 9:05 am. 5 minutes late, I think I'm getting worse at this.

Luckily, I only have a free study block for my law course. I didn't miss too much.

I'm slowly creaking open the heavy classroom door. I'm silently cursing in my head because why are the doors so loud?

Everyone is at the back of the classroom. I'm confused. Why are they at the back of the classroom?

My teacher is lenient, to say the least, so with a curt smile, he gestures for me to go to the back of the classroom.

"Liv, how nice of you to join us." He says. I'm guessing he's only twenty-five percent sarcastic, other than that he's great.

"To catch you up, the class voted for a change of pace." In the five minutes that I've been gone? What happened to attendance? "We'll be starting each class with an interactive game. For the first ten minutes, we'll be voting if the given statement is true or false, so you all are able to study as well."

I shuffle my way to the back of the class, with my head down. I mutter a sorry under my breath and they scarcely pay attention.

"Okay, let's continue," he says.

"The U.S Constitution consists of 33 amendments. If you agree with this statement, step forward, if you do not, remain at the back of the classroom."


I stay back with a handful of people.

The teacher smiles at us. "False. The U.S. Constitution consists of 27 amendments. Please remember that."

He claps his hands glancing at the clock. "Now, let's start our study block, shall we?"

I open my laptop to the telltale new emails in my inbox. One is from Cole. The other is from Sam.

I click on Cole's.



Subject: :)

Hi Liv. Sorry, but we're still on for tomorrow, right?


P.S. Is your nickname, Livvy? Just wondering.

I smile at the subject. I glance up at the date. Is Thursday tomorrow already? I type a response.



Subject: Re ":)"

Hi Cole. I think we're still on for tomorrow. As long as you're okay with it?





Subject: Re ":)"

Yup, see you tomorrow.


P.S. so is your nickname Livvy?


I don't answer that.

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