Chapter 10

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"Oh, welcome back Gentlemen!" Bethany smiled as she recognized the group that had just walked into the diner. "Uncle is currently in a cook-off with a woman. The guests are enjoying their banter along with the delicious food. They get to determine who is the better cook."

"Oh, I just gotta see who wants to go against Uncle!" Luke's eyes sparkled with mischievousness. "Oh, Uncle!"

"Where's the rest of your family?" Bethany asked once she got a chance to stop for a quick second. "Are they on their way?"

"Boy, don't you come back here! Bethany! No one is allowed back here till we are done besides you two ladies!" Uncle hollered so his nephew wouldn't spoil their fun by trying to entertain the beautiful lady he was competing against.

"Roger that, Uncle. You heard him go back with your group Luke," Bethany said as she put her hand up blocking Luke from coming any closer.

"They are a little busy at the moment but might stop by after a few," Axel said as he surveyed the diner. "How is the competition going so far?"

"Couldn't tell you," Bethany shrugged, "the guests write their answer down on paper and I slip it into a box by the register to be tallied once everyone is done eating."

"Go ahead and make us plates please," Axel nodded. "We're waiting to hear back from the rest if they will be able to join us."

"You got it," she nodded as she pulled her notepad and pen out of her apron. "Now how do you want your eggs?"

"We'll have ours sunny-side-up," Owen said as he adjusted his suit jacket. "For all ten of us."

"What should we get North, Raven, Corey, and Brandon?" Victor asked. "They aren't going to want cold eggs when we go to relieve them from the stakeout."

Just then a bright laughter came from the back and Gabe dropped his silverware on the table that he was unraveling from the napkin. At the same time, everyone's phone pinged with a notification.

"That fucking laugh," Gabe whispered as multiple phones were pulled out. "Call them now. The stakeout is fucking pointless."

"I agree," Victor smirked as he turned his phone around for Gabe to look at. There was a new photo uploaded on Uncle's social media of him posing with the woman they thought to have cornered at her second residence. Both were throwing a peace sign while covered in ingredients all over their aprons.

"Come to the diner, the stakeout has been compromised. A little mouse has escaped to Uncle's diner," Axel informed the other four as he held his phone to his ear. "Yeah, look at Uncle's update." Axel had to pull his phone away before he became deaf in his left ear from the cursing storm coming from the other end. "Well, they will be here momentarily."

"I can't fucking believe she got past them!" Gabe said shocked as he looked amongst the group.

"Looks like we will have to keep a closer eye on her," Kota said with a smirk.

"Excuse me, Bethany!" Marc called out as she was walking by. Looking in his direction with a questionable look he continued, "Can you let Uncle know that we would like a private word with him for just a moment when he has the chance of course?"

"Sure Sugar, but it might be a while," Bethany replied kindly.

"Oh, there is no rush," Nathan said with a grin. "The other four are on their way as well just so you know."

"You got it, Sugar," she nodded as she quickly wrote in her notepad before hurrying to the back.

"Well, looks like we need to find out how many vehicles she has," Owen said as he looked out the window at the vehicles. "She obviously did not ride her motorcycle here. I do not see it and she's wearing a lovely dress. One of these is hers."

A couple of minutes later the door swung open and angry footsteps headed their way. "Just as I expected," Axel smirked as the four remaining men sat down with them. "Morning, Gentlemen."

"How the fuck?" North growled.

"The little mouse has another vehicle," Axel smirked at North's glare directed at him, "obviously."

"Tigrista plays dirty," Raven grinned, yet his eyes were blazing with promises of lots of fun.

"Here you go, Boys," Bethany smiled as she brought out some more plates. "And your papers to place your votes."

"What?" Corey asked once she walked away.

"Cupcake is battling Uncle on cooking," Luke giggled as he tapped his hands on the table. "The customers are the judges."

"Oh! Well don't mind if I do," Brandon said as he pulled a plate closer and dived in.The group copied his actions and groans of pleasure went around the table.

"Holy shit, that's fucking good!" Gabe announced before stuffing his face more.

"She might actually have Uncle beat," Luke agreed. "This is good."

"Alright Little Bird," Uncle's voice filtered into the diner. "You have to come back for dinner so we can do this again for lasagna."

She burst out laughing as she finished slipping her gloves on then let him spin her again as they entered the diner. Once she finished twirling she patted his chest, "It will just depend. I have a lot to do today. Maybe a rain check?"

He nodded, "You got it. Let's see who is the winner."

The whole group watched as the two went to the register and Uncle started counting the votes. "Here, give me the votes," Bethany said. She walked over to Uncle and set the fourteen votes in the need-to-count pile. "Here you go Uncle, the last of the votes. By the way, your fourteen nephews would like a word with you when you have the chance."

"Thank you, Bethany! As soon as I am done you will go on a much-needed break," Uncle called after her retreating form. He only got a thumbs-up tossed to him.

"Okay, Little Bird, the winner is.." Uncle said.

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