Chapter 12

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Victor pushed open the door and Corey instantly started pushing the buttons to disable it. "She changed her locks," Victor murmured as the group started carrying in groceries.

"Uncle said she did after that stunt her mother pulled," Marc nodded. "Just be glad Uncle got called to a mission so he had to relinquish the keys to us. Come on, a few of you can start putting away the food while I start making her something to eat for when she gets home."

"We got plenty of time," Luke smiled as he walked around while tossing a Hershey's kiss to his mouth. "Uncle said she would be working all day so she probably won't get here until super late."

"That's not a good thing Lucian," North grumbled as he pulled the fridge open. "Oh fuck no!"

"What?" the men questioned as they congregated to the kitchen.

"She has a whole fucking shelf filled with nothing but energy drinks and sodas!" North growled as he started to pull them out and set them on her kitchen island. "Find the damn trash can now."

"Don't go overboard now, North," Marc gently reminded him. "We don't want to push too much just now."

"And what Corey is doing isn't technically overboard?" North retorted back.

"I mean...North does have a point," Nathan pointed out as they looked to see Corey messing with the television settings so it couldn't turn on past 10 pm. Victor was doing the same in her bedroom.

"I highly doubt she will notice that right away compared to her...beverage diet," Kota said as he examined how many cans there were. "North does have a point, this is way too much for one person no matter how busy they are."

"What are you doing now?" Silas asked as he watched Corey open his laptop.

"Just checking her security," he mumbled but the glint in his eye told Silas Corey had other plans on his mind as well.

"She fucking doesn't have any fucking thing of personals! Her closet is at a minimum capacity! I don't think she fucking lives here that damn much," Gabe grumbled as he came out of her bedroom.

"Maybe most of her clothes are at the other place," Victor shrugged. "She clearly has more than one home, maybe she just keeps a few things at each place so she doesn't have to carry a bunch of things back and forth."

"Maybe but still, this is fucking bullshit," Gabe grumbled, "She needs more than this shit."

"Why don't you start making a list," Luke suggested, "and when we finally capture her and make her ours you will already know what to get to spoil her?"

"Fuck yes!" Gabe's eyes gleamed as Luke watched his brain start to run wild with ideas.

"Anyway," Axel said as he looked around the kitchen, "why don't we start assessing the layout and making plans? We already know how she will react when she does come home. We need to be prepared for anything."

Elizabeth pulled up to her house and groaned as she parked her car in the garage. It was nearing eleven at night and she was so exhausted. After her photoshoot, she got called in to teach a dancing class and then she ended up teaching two more classes and then she had a meeting with one of her property managers and then another meeting with a fashion designer for an upcoming photo shoot. It seemed like one thing after another and now she was just exhausted. James called her just as she was pulling up but really doesn't want to answer.

"Hello," she murmured into the phone as she laid her head on the steering wheel.

"Hey Lizzy! Do you think you can come in and dance? A dancer called off and so far no one is willing to come in," James asked as music blared in the background.

"Not tonight, I am too damn exhausted. I've had such a busy day that an energy drink wouldn't make this ass perky," Elizabeth said as she tried to gather her phone, keys, purse, and drink and exit her car.

"Gotcha," he shouted. "Get some sleep, I'll try to call someone else."

"Night," she sighed as she unlocked her door. She ended the call and froze when she realized her alarm didn't start beeping.

"Uncle?" she called out yet there was no reply. "Okay...A. we walk away and get the security team...B. we just go in and kill an intruder."

"C. You come sit down and eat a late supper," Luke smiled as he emerged from the kitchen with his hands up in a surrender mode.

"How the fuck..." she sighed as she dropped her purse onto the floor. "Uncle..."

"Got called away on a rental property emergency so asked us to pick you up some groceries and make you something to eat," Luke replied with his hands still up. "Seriously you can call and ask if you want. But please?" he kind of pouted, "dinner is ready and he said you would be working late so now you don't have to cook. It's tacos..."

"Hm...tacos sound good," she mumbled as she kicked her shoes off at the entrance yet didn't bother straightening them.

"Do you want something to drink?" Marc called out as she got closer to her kitchen.

"Nah, I'm good," she said as she held her thermos cup up in the air before taking a big drink.

"What are you drinking?" Silas asked as he pulled out a chair for her.

She eyed him suspiciously before she sat in the seat and noticed all of the guys were there. "My ju-ju tonic. It's my "not kill people" medicine."

"And that would be?" Marc chuckled as he shook his head.

"Irish coffee today," she shrugged before taking a large drink. "I like to mix it up and not have the same boring drink every day."

"That's because you haven't tried mine," Marc winked. "Once you try my personal blend you will never want anything else."

She scoffed, "I doubt it, you couldn't make coffee sweet enough for me while still giving me the energy I need."

"Ouch that wounds me," Marc placed his hand over his heart. "At least try it before you knock it." He pointed his finger at her, "But not tonight. You need rest."

She squinted her eyes at him as she stood, "Just because I'm tolerating you here right now does NOT give you the privilege of telling me what you THINK I need."

"Alright Cupcake," Luke rushed to try and diffuse the situation. "Marc will keep his mouth shut, just pretty please eat your tacos before they get cold." He gave her the puppy dog eyes and pouted, "Please?"

She rolled her eyes but sat back down. "That won't always work," she pointed her finger at him. "It's strictly because I'm too hungry to think right now, got it?"

"Yes Ma'am," Luke beamed as he winked at her. "Thank you, here I'll even share my candy with you." He pulled some salted caramel Twix out of his pocket and sat it beside her plate.

"No candy Lucian," North growled, "Baby Girl needs to sleep, not get wired again."

She dropped her taco and shoved her plate away. "Touch it and you'll regret it," she threatened as a pocket knife suddenly appeared in her hand, making North blink in surprise while a growl of approval rumbled from Raven's chest. "One, I'm NOT your Baby Girl and I never will be. Two, I already said you don't get to tell me what you think I need so shove your decision up your ass and fuck off. Three, NEVER touch my candy or you'll start to look like Lord Varys off Game of Thrones, capiche?"

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