Chapter 28

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"And as state attorney general, it is with great pleasure that I inform you that I have looked over the contract, and on page four, third paragraph down, subsection B, it states that in the case of her health and safety being compromised due to her manager's lack of attention or care, she has the right to terminate the contract without consequence. Now it is from my understanding, from video evidence mind you, that my client informed you that she was working despite having no sleep in the past nearly 36 hours and she did not want to work on that shoot because she was not feeling well and needed to get some sleep and you chose not to listen to her. Instead, you pressured her into working, and as a result, she got severely injured. You then tried to push illegal drugs on her as a way to continue working instead of taking her safety into account. That constitutes you not regarding her safety as her manager and gives her the right to terminate her contract with you. Now leave the premises of her house or I will have her bodyguard Yevgeny Ravenstahl escort you off by any means he sees fit."

Aaron fumed as his face turned red, "I'll see you in court," he pushed through his clenched teeth.

"With pleasure," Owen nodded, "and when you speak to Judge Robinson tell him that I am looking forward to our meeting this afternoon regarding the Murson brothers murder trial that I will be prosecuting. Oh and remind him that he owes my family dinner since he missed last week's dinner while he was away on vacation. Much appreciated."

Aaron clenched his fist then turned his back while muttering under his breath about it not being over. Raven pushed off the wall and smirked as he twirled the knife casually, "I make sure he get to car safely."

"I'm sure you will," Owen nodded as the Russian strolled past him. Closing the door, he turned around to see Elizabeth still in Marc's lap as Sean administered her medicine. Luke was sitting on the couch next to the two while North was busy in the kitchen making a smoothie. Axel was leaning against the entry of the room surveying everything while keeping an ear to the commotion going on at the front door.

Owen stood next to Axel and before he could comment, Axel said, "She seems to be in between head spaces. Not sure if she will slip back or remain in the in-between. I think it has been a while since she slipped as she seems to be confused or disoriented. We are going to need to watch her closely to make sure she doesn't get lost in any unwanted thoughts."

"No," she pouted as she closed her eyes, "be"

"Shh," Luke said as he slid his hand under hers, "no being big right now, Cupcake," he kept his voice soft and low. "There's no work today, it's a rest day."

"No," she shook her head as she tried to push off Marc's chest despite it causing a tear to slip past her closed lids, "no rest day, must work, have to work."

"No Cupcake," Luke said a little more sternly. "There's no work today, Doc said you have to rest so that's what we're going to do. We have to listen to Doc."

"Alright, here we go, Little One," North said as he walked back into the room and held out the tumbler with a straw. "One yummy smoothie for the sleepy baby."

"No!" she shouted as she smacked it away. "No want."

"Cupcake," Luke frowned, "that wasn't very nice. If you didn't want the smoothie you could have just said so. Now you've made a mess."

"Leave lone!" She burst into tears as she slid to the floor. "No wan...wa...wan..." she clutched her head and started rocking as she tried to curl into herself even more.

"Hey," Luke cooed as he dropped down beside her, "it's okay, shhhh, tell me what you want."

"Me wan...Bonfolio, me wan Bon Bon," she sobbed as she rocked, "nee Bon Bon."

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