Chapter 15

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Elizabeth wiped her face and nose with the back of her hand and took a shaky breath. Slowly letting it out she placed a kiss on her dragon stuffy and sat him back on her bed before walking to her bathroom. After splashing water on her face she stared at her reflection, "Be big," she murmured as she pressed her fingers into the porcelain sink. "Big, big, big."

Her mind calmed as she stood straight and shook her hands. "Alright, fine if they don't want to listen then I'll leave." She pulled her tear-soaked shirt off and grabbed her favorite KoRn shirt to slip on. She slipped on her favorite black jeans and pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail. She was so exhausted but now was not the time to sleep. Walking over to her vanity, she opened her jewelry box and pulled up the little section that was for rings. Grabbing one of the white pills that was hidden there, she popped it into her mouth and swallowed before putting everything back the way it was.

Seeing that the dresser was still blocking the door, she smirked as she looked around her room, formulating a plan. First thing though was to block Uncle's number so once she found her phone from where she tossed it, she was going to do that then on to step number two.

Meanwhile, downstairs, the group were trying to wrap their minds around the fact that Uncle was disappointed in them while also trying to figure out how to fix everything.

"Maybe Luke should be the one to apologize since she isn't as mad at him?" Kota murmured as he spun the butterknife that was left on the table.

Corey's phone started beeping, making him quickly grab it. "She's trying to sneak out her window," he shook his head as he read the notification that the upstairs window was now open.

Luke jumped up and raced up the stairs. "Cupcake, please don't!" Luke shouted as he turned her doorknob. "Open the door, Elizabeth, please," he said as he realized it was locked. Silence was the only reply so he pulled out his pick lock set and got to work. The moment it unlocked he turned the knob but the door wouldn't open. Of course she would block the door, he shook his head as he pushed on the door.

"Move," Raven growled from behind. Luke stepped to the side and Raven shoved the door, making the dresser scoot just enough to where Luke could slip inside. He instantly spotted her on the tree branch outside of her window.

"Cupcake, please be careful," Luke said as he sat on the windowsill. "You could fall and get seriously hurt."

"Fuck off," She glared as she adjusted the backpack. "Better yet, leave me the fuck alone and get off my property."

"But if I do that, then I can't tell you everyone's pet peeves and then you won't be able to get them back for being mean to you," Luke pointed out. He internally smirked when she froze for a second as if she was seriously contemplating that.

"I'll live," she shrugged as she shifted closer to the tree trunk. "You said I could have tacos and then the stupid ass egotistical sadistic psychopath Russian took them away from me." She rolled her eyes. "He probably even likes to say 'I kill you, I professional Russian'" she said in an actually pretty good Russian accent.

"Have you met Raven before, Cupcake?" Luke chuckled.

"No," she admitted, "I just have met plenty of Russians over the years and they all say that like its a big deal or something," she rolled her eyes. "And every one that has said that ended up being stupid ass pussies that got their feelings hurt when I would put them in their place and refuse their idiotic fruit cups. Wouldn't be surprised one bit if yours was the same way. All talk and no action. Sure may look like he could snap someone with his bare hands but he's so gay it would actually make him cry to kill someone. He's just yet another unprofessional Russian."

Luke forced himself not to burst out laughing knowing damn well that Corey was having to hold Raven back right now. "Actually you would be wrong, Cupcake, on that one. Raven is actually Yevgeny Ravenstahl."

She froze and turned to face him. Her eyes widened as her breath hitched for a second. "Like the prince Tzar of the bratva?" Luke nodded and she scoffed, "Don't believe you, anyone could say that."

"It's the truth though," Luke shrugged. "I could call his father for you if you come back inside."

"You have Vladmir Ravenstahl on speed dial?" She asked, making Luke nod again. "I don't believe you."

"Come inside and I'll prove it," Luke held his hand out. "I'll even make Raven give you back your tacos, pinky promise."

"I don't want those," she shook her head, "he touched them."

Luke chuckled, "Alright, what if I make you new ones?"

"You make them go away?" She asked. He noticed she took a tiny step closer to him.

"I can't make them leave the house since they are my ride but I can make sure they won't be in the dining room and bother us," Luke offered. "Right now they are busy cleaning up from your temper tantrum."

"Did not have a temper tantrum," She glared as she crossed her arms over her chest. "They just pissed me off and ruined my TV."

"All Corey did was put a bedtime on it, Cupcake," Luke shook his head, "we were just trying to help you get plenty of sleep. You're tired, I know you're tired but watching TV would just keep you awake. You won't get enough sleep."

"Or it would help me go to sleep," she threw back. "I have to have it on to go to sleep. I don't do silence. Watching my murder shows helps me go to sleep."

Luke nodded, "Alright, I'll tell Corey to remove the timer but next time just tell me, Cupcake. Please? There's no need to break your things, now look you don't have a TV to go to sleep because of it and you made a huge mess instead of just talking to us."

"You shouldn't have just taken control," She glared.

He nodded, "You're right, we shouldn't have. It was wrong of us and I'm sorry our alpha brat tamer part of us took over. Now will you please come inside? It scares me that you're just standing on that branch with no support. I don't want you to lose your balance and fall and get seriously hurt."

She rolled her eyes, "I do this all the time, I'm fine. Look." She smiled and jumped.

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