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ELODIE CARTER is in her own world. The seventeen year old girl was praised apon her kindness at school but her sanity was the only thing keeping her together. Although she seemed well meaning she didn't want the bullshit she had to put up with every day. It wasn't fair. Even if it did include sneaking out the window during the night and sitting in the garden. Even if it also included arguing with every teacher.

In the prickling summer of '84 , the girl's noticable rebellious antics had sky rocketed when her mum told her she was pregnant with another child. Elodie was going to be a sister.

Elodie only had one friend who would dare someone new every week. It was like she would date anyone who had a pulse. It was honestly draining. But one person who really annoys Elodie is Steve Harrington. At first glance you would think, 'oh he's cute' until he opens that mouth of his and you immediately regret your thoughts. He is the most idiotic, ego driven, douche you could ever meet.

So apparently being a teenager was all about being an older sister and high school. That's not an idea of fun.

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