008- sweet

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Somehow, in the distance Elodie heard sirens

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Somehow, in the distance Elodie heard sirens. It was odd considering the Byers house was far away from any sort of police filled place. Elodie knew Hawkins like the back of her hand so knew exactly where the sirens were going. The school. The blonde stood on the doorstep and seriously considered going after it. Her car keys were in her back pocket. And the car wasn't too far ahead.

Elodie legged it to her car and jammed the key into the ignition. She sped off into the dark and went straight to the school.


She didn't even bother park her car properly when she got to school. Elodie quickly got out the car, picking up the bottom of her cardigan, and slammed the car door. She ran to the front of Hawkins high where Mike, Dustin and Lucas ran into Elodie's arms. She knelt down as she hugged them, but something felt wrong. The emergency services flooded in and out of Hawkins high as Mike began to sob slightly.

"Hey, love, what's wrong?" Elodie said softly as she put her hands around Mike's face.

"She's gone" he sobbed.

Elodie knew exactly what, but rather who, it was. Eleven.

"Oh sweetheart" the girl spoke as the sobbing boy cried into her.

Remembering the other boys, Elodie pulled the two others into a hug. Elodie knew that Mike, Dustin and Lucas were close with Eleven and it was truly unfair how little time they got to spend with eachother.

A little while later, Dior came out of the school with Elodie's mother, Alison, with her hands in her pocket.

"Schools patched up, well, partly" Alison stated.

"Except from the odd pieces of dust on the floor" Dior added.

Elodie smiled. Well, smiled enough that it didn't look like she was going to break down in tears.


Elodie parked her station wagon under a street light by the skatepark. But, she didn't come to skate though. The skatepark was her happy place. A place where she could go relax.

The blonde got out the car and slammed the door. She placed her hands behind her head and looked up at the bright beam of light. Looking back down again, Elodie decided to sit on the hood of the car. Lightly humming uptown girl.

She didn't pay much attention to her surroundings till she was spoken to.

"Elodie?" Someone said.

"Hm?" She quickly wiped her tears and looked at the mysterious person. It was Steve.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine" Elodie didn't really like to share her feelings.

"You sure?"

"I'm fine, I promise" she wasn't great at reassuring people.


A little blonde girl sat with her sister listening to their mother on a phone call with their nan.

"What's going on?" The little blonde girl whispered.

"Shh" The older girl pressed a finger to the blonde's lips.

"It's not a coincidence! I'm telling you!" The girls mother argued down the phone.

The two girls didn't know what their mother was going on about but they certainly didn't think she was insane.

"Let me go get the girls then" the two girls looked at eachother and legged it to their rooms.

The little blonde girl wrapped herself in her blanket, stubbing her toe in the process of getting into bed, and closed her eyes, pretending to sleep. Her mother opened the door to her bedroom and walked over to the girls bed.

"Lani, hey Lani, wake up" Her mother whispered.


"Come on, go downstairs and get your coat and shoes on, love" Elodie began to get worried.

She went downstairs where her sister was already waiting and she helped Elodie get her shoes and coat on. Their mother ushered them into the car and her mum drove to the main center of the town, until they couldn't. Yellow police tape was connected to each lamp post in an odd square shape.

"What's wrong peanut?" Elodie asked her sister.

As a child, Elodie always called Melanie peanut because she forgot her name one day.

"I don't know Lani..." Police car lights were blaring red and blue.

Elodie couldn't help herself. She opened the car door and ran under the yellow and black tape. Only to see an overturned car and a fire coming from it. The blonde saw a hand hanging out of the car. The hand had a certain mark on their hand. A star. The exact star her dad had.

Elodie let an ear piercing scream out.

"Daddy!" Tears poured out the little girls eyes and her sister pulled her into a hug.

Alison walked over two the two crying girls and wrapped her arms around them.

That was the last time Elodie saw her dad.


"Elodie. Elodie, Elodie!" Steve snapped his fingers in her face. "You sure your alright?"

Tears poured out of her eyes. It was an odd thing for Steve to do but he wrapped his arms around her and hugged the crying girl. She accepted his gesture and returned the hug. Not that she had much choice. She found some sort of random comfort in the hug.

"It's what I'm mean to do as a friend isn't it?" He asked jokingly.

Elodie laughed slightly. "Sure"

NOTE: cute lil moment from Elodie's past. Okay so the inspro for Elodie is....

Sheryl Yoast from Remember the titans!!

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Sheryl Yoast from Remember the titans!!

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