001- ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ ɪꜱ ᴀ ꜰᴜɴɴʏ ᴄᴏʟᴏᴜʀ

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Elodie sat with her head on the desk

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Elodie sat with her head on the desk. The chairs were extremely uncomfortable but she didn't care complain. Algebra couldn't get any more boring if you wanted it to. Elodie didn't care much for algebra even if she was good at it.

The blonde girl felt a piece of paper rocket onto her head and rolled on the floor. She slowly lifted her head and sorted out her freshly cut curtain bangs out of her face. She picked up the lined piece of paper from off the floor and opened it. Elodie turned to see her best friend, Dior grinning at her.

The note read: "your three pages behind and your pen is dissembled on the desk."

Elodie's eyes widened and she grabbed Dior's book which was flopping off the desk. She quickly turned the pages and quickly began to realize that she way behind on writing notes for her essay.

Elodie was too involved in catching up she didn't realize that a certain person was coughing annoyingly loudly. Every few seconds a cough emerged from the back of the class and Elodie got very bored of it. It was the last cough that really did it for Elodie and she slowly looked up from the book and glared at where the coughs were coming from. Obviously it was from Steve Harrington, clearly trying to get her in trouble for sleeping in class. Elodie rolled her eyes and continued to scribble down her missed notes. Steve coughed one more time and the teacher, Mr Manninham, turned around with his eyebrows knitted together.

"Would you mind lowering the coughing to a different level or just not coughing at all?!" He snapped. "Oi, Carter, would you mind listening? Or are you to good for this class?"

"I never said I was-" Elodie began.

"Oh so your better than everyone else?"

"No! No, absolutely not I just-"

"You know what? I am sick of students thinking they own Hawkins! Well listen up buttercup, you don't!" He barked. Elodie felt her face going red.

"I don't think I own Hawkins! Well, that's actually the Mayor's job but-" Elodie stated.

"Enough!" He yelled. "I have had enough of you miss Carter! One more more word and it's detention for you!"

"Sir?" Elodie asked quietly. Mr Manninham rolled his tounge against his teeth. Elodie began to talk anyways. She got up and stood by her desk.

"You are bald!" She yelled as she stormed out the class, slamming the door behind her. She sighed as she closed the door but had an after thought. She reopened the door and pointed at Steve.

"You use Farrah fawcet hairspray every morning" she snapped as she flung a pencil at him which successfully hit his forehead. She slammed the door again and walk off to outside the school.

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